Chapter 4 - Getting caught

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P.O.V Autumn

I awoke up to be hearing some talking in the living-room, so I went to go investigate as I got out of bed Liam had his arms around my waist and was groaning because he could feel that I'm leaving the bed, "Don't leave" Liam said as he groaned again "Sorry Babycake but I'm just getting water" I said in a sweet voice  and after I said that he let go of my waist "Thanks Babycake" I said and kissed him on the forehead. I left my room to go and investigate what all this talking is about, so because I'm good at sneaking up on people I snuck down the stairs and started to walk to the living-room, where I could see the lamp that we have in there on and as I got closer I could see two figures on the couch talking. That's when I remembered that Kasara was at home with me and I couldn't find her, so I stayed in the shadows to see who the two were that is until I heard their voices and it was non-other then My older brother Levi and Kasara themselves talking with each other. "What is going on in here" I said with venom in my voice, they both jumped and turned to see me standing in the hall looking at them with a death glare and they were sweating, as I was staring at them they looked like they were thinking about something to say to me " I don't want hear anything out of both your mouths right now!" I said in an angry voice and they looked down because they felt guilty as I left to go back into my room where Liam was still sleeping peacefully, as I snuck back into my room I released a breath I was holding in 'I wished they never met' I thought.

The next morning came and I was in the kitchen make every one breakfast, everyone came downstairs to eat and Levi and Kasara came down still with guilt on their faces. Levi came over to where I'm at "Autumn I-" he tried to say but I cut him off "I forgive you guys but I need some time alone to think about what I'm going to say to Kasara first" I said with a tiny bit of venom in my voice, he let a sigh of relief but left me to finish cooking breakfast that's when Liam came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek "morning Muffin" Liam said in his morning voice "morning Liam" I said softly, Liam seems to notice my change in mood "what's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone "It's nothing I'm just not in mood or as others say woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I said, Liam sighed and walked to the same room that Kasara and Levi were in. As I finished the breakfast I called out to everyone and they came in like swam of seagulls, we all sat at the table eating I kept looking at Kasara and Levi and they were looking right back at me and they knew by the look in my eye that meant 'We're going to talk later', both Kasara and Levi nodded then went back to eating.

After Breakfast Kasara, Levi and I went into my room so we could talk but what they didn't know was that we weren't going to talk 'in my room' but in a secret room I had and no one knew about not even my own parents, so first I went to get Snowfall my albino snake. I then went to my closets both Kasara and Levi looked at me in confusion, once I pressed the button a secrets door opened behind all my clothes, both Levi and Kasara looked in disbelief so I told them hurry up and come in so we could talk and as we walked in Snowfall could sense that I was not in the mood and tried to comfort me by little kisses she does, "sit" I said to them with my back turned to them and as they sat, I turned to them to sit down myself and the talk begins...

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