Chapter 11

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(The Door was boarded up Tightly and inside was the drones holding out, There were 5, Cyn, Sofia,Nathaniel(N) ,Veronica(V), Joshapine(J) were all running from the guards outside as they had become much to powerful and intelligent they ran far as they can but now there here then suddenly 2 men broke the glass and 2 shards of glass buried themselves deep into the head killing them but how did they get here let's go back to the start of this horrifying night)

(Cyn was doing her normal tasks around the house cleaning what dirt and dust there were as she walked past the door they were permitted to go past she noticed it was creaked open she thought a little peak won't matter she walked in and saw a window and a few computers she decided to go look at the computer that was conveniently logged into a file already she decided to read it and look at what it said it designated a conversion for drones where they would be converted into what in the HEll?! They Were gonna kill and start a massive GENOCIDE aginst many Minoires. What was she reading a plan to coup the government with murder drones she needed a second to process this she suspected that humans didn't care about them but this was too much she would not let her friends get blown up she would have to protect I need to go get Yeva)

(She ran with hurry to find Sofia but not so fast that everyone noticed she)

S:Hey Cyn what are you doing here?

C:Listen Closely There turning us into bombs Sofia I need You to go get N,V,J now.

S:What why


(Sofia Ran out while Cyn looked for escape options she saw an open Window and the Main door which was guarded, window it was)

(She walked around pacing waiting for them all to get there)

J:Were here Cyn what do you need

C:Quiet Down

C:Listen Close I went into the door we aren't supposed to go into and there gonna turn us into murder machines and bombs we gotta get out of here

S:Are You sure


C:That's enough evidence for you. Now let's get out of here.

N:Where are we gonna go

(The window was locked down so they all ran into the back bedroom but 2 human blocked there path as they attempted to run so Cyn took their guns and drove them deep into their skulls killing them instantly)


C:Just go

(They ran into the door not before Cyn Killed 3 more people and Sofia killed 1 and now we're back in the present)

(V Broke through the window and Sofia and Cyn jumped out but V,N,and J all got tackled)

V:GO We'll be fine

S:Lets Go

(Cyn Hesitated but eventually gave in and ran off into the forest surrounding the mansion)

S:We got to get off planet on the copper 9 rocket leaving tommorow

C:We got To change our names and our looks

S:I'll Change My name to Yeva what about you

C:Ill change mine too...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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Murder drones. But I'm writing it.Where stories live. Discover now