Of party animals

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Phina dragged her brown suitcase laboriously down the rail. The rolling balls at the base of the bag coming into contact with the stone steps gave an offhand screech, loud and commandeering. She covered her ears at the sound and tried to uplift the bag. It didn't budge. Inhaling, she pressed on with her charge.

"Phina, where are you off to with that ugly bag?", Mrs. Kincaid cried out, an open tabloid in her hands. She made to grasp the bag but Phina  swerved it out of her reach.

Staring at Phina in astonishment she added, " You could have informed me if you wanted to go for a holiday. We could have shopped for more stuff and you definitely wouldn't need one bag."

Phina stood her ground, eyes stern and furious. Not for once breaking eye contact she spoke. "I am not going for a holiday or whatever you call it. I am flying back to Africa. And this is my very first suitcase I came here with. It holds none of the wardrobe you bought me; just my old dresses. I need you to call the head of Steve and Acacia's school; we'll be leaving together."

Mrs. Kincaid blinked, her face startled and uncomprehending. Shaking Phina by her shoulders she said, "Child please tell me what's wrong. Why this act?"

Phina escaped from her grasp and wrung the bag unto the floor. "Stop calling me that. I am not your child and never will I be. And you already know what's gone amiss. You began this madness when you put the silly idea of marrying your arrogant son into my young head."

It was at this juncture that Brendan strode into the hall, his hands on his cerulean tie. Phina sidled to him and pointed a skinny finger at him.

"This is the reason why I left the comfort of the convent. This is the reason why I'm being treated like a persona non grata. But no more will he be the reason. Mrs. Kincaid please let your son know that I am not homeless. Let him know that I won a scholarship to study Biochemistry at the University of Pennsylvania in the U.S., an opportunity I let slip due to your empty promises. Tell this imbecilic son of yours that I am the sole legatee of $10 million, an inheritance seized by government because of my father's debts. Tell your goddamned son that I don't need the Kincaid money to make me accomplished. I am woman enough."

Brendan looked away, his heart clenching. But if he felt remorseful, his countenance didn't betray him. Still granite-faced, he addressed his mother. "I'll leave for the office now. There are some important files I've got to sort out. Thanks for letting me stay at your home for the night." Pecking her on the cheeks, he started for the door but Phina blocked him, her head raised up in defiance.

"Ah, ah, you are not ignoring me. Listen, don't you dare assume in that brainless head of yours that I came begging for a place to lodge. I was much at ease before coming here, thank you. You should be careful what comes out of your mouth because respect is reciprocal. I do not love you, neither do I want you. I'd rather die than plunge into a depthless love with you."

Brendan smirked. "Glad we share the same sentiment."

Phina shook her head. "You are impossible. But wishes are not horses; circumstances are not mine to instruct. Money flew to the fool, misfortune to the wise."

Brendan did a double-take, his brows etched with fury. Jaws clenched tightly in restraint, it took all his willpower to not snag Phina's fingers off his chest. He did not believe in physical violence against women, and he wasn't going to start now.

"If you want an apology", he declared, every syllable stressed with precise clarity, "then I'm sorry. You got the wrong guy. I do not apologize, not even if my life depended on it. Maybe you should have thought of a scenario like this before agreeing to my mother's silly arrangement. I've got to. Now move!"

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