Of one disastrous night

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"I think you should wear this rather. It's a rare piece by an Iranian artist," Florence said and showed her mistress a sparkling and dangling earring encrusted in black and purple gemstones.

Phina looked admiringly at the diamond studs in Meg's hands, with a neck chain and a ring to match. She loved their petiteness and how it transformed her face when she tried the mirror. She was sure Florence's piece would give her face a fierce appearance. She missed Lorraine's company dearly.

Florence saw her mistress' doubtful look and went on to press her matter.

"And," Florence convinced, "it matches your shift."

That, Phina couldn't deny. She wore a white and velvet stripped Greek styled gown that bore a very close resemblance to the Toga. Nodding she waved at Florence to put them on her ears.

Tonight Phina wore her hair up in a loose bun, a few strands tumbling down her heart-shaped face. Meg had sheened Phina's dark curls with Argan oil and another substance she couldn't name, making them glow in the light. It had been a long while since she'd been pruned and primped like this, and Phina relished every moment of it. She must admit, she looked good for her husband tonight.

When Brendan had requested to dine with her she had been full of surprise and skepticism. Just that morning she had asserted her right as his wife and bruised his ego alongside. Why would he want to see her after that? Even when she'd been well-behaved he hadn't asked for her.

Phina had practically galloped out the pool room in time to save her hide. Lorraine would have mocked her of cowardice were she here. Phina accepted that in some ways she was a coward when it came to Brendan. She aimed at stealing his heart, and that took time, eloquence, patience...and in some instances cowardice. Let him think her soft and weak, because that would give Phina the time to sneak up on him and prove him wrong.

Smiling, Phina gazed at the mirror and admired Florence's work on her. The older woman was no pro, but she'd pruned her lady for the night. Phina wrapped an eggshell-pink scarf around her bare shoulders and whipped out.


He leaned on the rail with his back to her and a glass in his hands. It seemed the moon enraptured him because he peeked up at it with a solemn face. With him so unsuspecting, his posture was relaxed and almost welcoming. Phina half-expected him to turn and cry out, "Welcome my cherie. Is the evening to your liking?"

She hid in the dim light of the corridor, feeling slightly guilty she had to disturb him on such a beautiful night. But he'd called for her.

Stepping onto the candle lit deck, she braced herself for any comeback but she had none. When he didn't turn, she bit her lips and blinked at her slippers. It should have announced her presence by now.

She looked up to find Brendan scrutinizing her. He did that a lot. Tonight he wore trousers, the buttons of his shirt open to reveal his torso. When the wind breezed through, the shirt flapped.

"Sit," he said and proffered a chair.

Phina raised a perplexed eyebrow and frowned at him.

"What?", he asked when he noticed, "can't I be a gentleman too?"


The night progressed slowly and wonderfully. There hadn't been much conversation or confrontation either. Both seemed content with the food and quiet. The dinner also proved Brendan a fussy and slow eater, picking at his food like a feline suspecting poisin in its milk. Phina though had tucked into her Bamies with relish and downed a full glass of apple flavoured Chianti.

She hadn't cared much when Brendan had laid down his cutlery to observe her. They were scarce people who could reject Florence's cuisines; Phina wasn't part of that lot. After the main meal, a dessert of hot chilli Souvlaki had followed, Phina hiding under the table to blow her scorching mouth.

Phina would have been less surprised if a mermaid had jumped on board and requested to join them. She knew the million dollar question would have to be asked sooner or later, but certainly not right now.

Phina stared at his retreating back. She was sure she'd heard him right. "Come with me to my cabin," he had demanded without batting an eyelid. She sat rooted to her seat as her mind sang, go, go, go. So. She followed.


His room hadn't changed much since she'd last been here. It pretty much looked new and untouched. Her glance fell on the massive bed, and a shiver ran down her spine.

Brendan leaned on his bathroom door and eyed her in obvious mischief. His laid back demeanor during dinner had transformed into a cold and calculating manner.

Phina's heart had turned to a Zulu drum beat.

"Strip," Brendan ordered.

She wasn't sure she'd heard him right again. Did he just...

"I said take off that shift," he demanded in as much fury as he could muster.

Her mind told her to obey, her body ordered differently. She was so shaky that a lone leaf hanging on a windswept tree would have fared better than her. A scared tear ran down her supple cheek.

Realising she was too dazed to obey, Brendan strode to her and with the strength only a man had, tore the material off her body. She wore only a vest under, and he disposed of that one too.

Phina was shocked by the cry of material splitting and tearing. So this was why he had requested her presence. To...to...to...Her hands made to cover her most sacred areas, but Brendan slapped them away with a threat in his eyes.

His brown eyes roved over her mundane flesh, but he made no attempt to touch her. Phina's head hung over her freckled neck; it was the most humiliating moment in her life.

"This is really who you are," Brendan stated in a hard voice. "Naked without an ounce of title to your name. With my wealth you are covered and clothed. I have the power to strip or cover you, so I advice you to know your position in my home and behave accordingly."

Phina's tears came in downpours.

"When you think of rebelling,," he continued, "think of this night. I do not touch you because I have no love towards you, and your body doesn't entice me."

He tore her earrings savagely from her ears and screamed, "YOU ARE NOBODY UNLESS I SAY DIFFERENTLY! Now leave!"

She couldn't move; her blurry eyes couldn't find the way. At Brendan's last threat, she ran out; nude as the day her mother birthed her.

A/N; Who is on team Brendan? Yeah, bad question to ask now. Please go read ASWANG!!! It's on my profile...:)

The track for this chapter is RIGHT NOW by Seyi Shay. It's amazing.


The Tame (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن