CHAPTER ONE, a credible threat

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Leora was still trying to get used to being back in Beacon Hills. In France, she had a normal life. Or as normal as she could get with having powers and being the little sister of a werewolf and living with a hunter. It was still more calm and less stressful than being in Beacon Hills. Now that she was back, she was thrown back into the chaotic world of being a part of the McCall Pack. Yes, she loved them (besides Liam) all so much, but it was still difficult at times with everything they had to handle. Sometimes she wished she was just a normal teenager. Although she supposed that would make things more boring. And there was one thing she was for sure of and that was the fact that being in the McCall Pack was not boring.

Being in the back seat of Stiles' jeep with Liam is not what Leora preferred to do on any night or day. She would rather do homework than hang out with Liam and she hates homework. But the boys needed help because they're tracking down Parrish who went haywire.

"Scott," Leora glances at the boy in the passenger seat. "Any lead on Parrish?"

Scott glances at his phone when he gets a message. He nods. "He's headed to the school."

Liam moves over so he's sitting in the middle seat in the back and leans forward, leaning his arms on the side of the passenger seat and drivers seat. "Why's Parrish headed to the school?"

Leora rolls her eyes. "How would any of us know that, Liam?" Liam sends her an annoyed expression. "What? You asked a stupid question." Leora leans back against the seat, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at Liam. "So I answered you in a smart**way."

Liam's nostrils flared as he glares at her. "I didn't need your attitude!"

"And I don't need yours," Leora says calmly, raising an eyebrow. "Now can you get out of my personal bubble? I know I'm beautiful but I don't want you drooling all over me."

Liam growls. "You're the one-"

"Shut up!" Scott glares at the two teenagers. He shakes his head and rubs his temples. "I'm gonna have a headache before the end of this night."

Liam opens his mouth to speak but Leora hits his shoulder. He growls again and looks at the girl with annoyance. "What was that for?"

"Being annoying." Leora responded with a shrug. 

Liam looks offended and looks back at Scott. "Hey, Scott? How long are we gonna keep her around? We don't really need her so we could just kick her out, you know?"

Leora scoffs. "Excuse me? Last time I checked, I'm here because you guys asked for my help. And believe me, I'd much rather be doing anything else than sitting next to you. But by all means, feel free to try kicking me out. Let's see how far you get without my help." She smirks. "Not very far, I bet." 

Scott and Stiles exchange a glance and shake their heads. They knew from experience that the two would continue arguing. The only way to shut them up was to make them do something other than arguing. And there was only one way to make them stop arguing.

Stiles and Scott sigh simultaneously. "Will you two kiss and make up already?" Stiles asks, exasperated. He didn't want to listen to their arguing anymore. "Seriously. It's giving us a headache." He knew that the two hated each other, but he also figured that if they kissed then maybe they'd redirect their focus away from arguing and toward something else.

Leora's eyes widen, and she leans away from Liam as if he suddenly had a contagious disease. "Ew, no way!" She looks at Stiles and Scott with an expression that screamed 'really?' "Are you kidding me? No, I'm not gonna kiss this idiot. I have standards and I refuse to stoop that low. I mean, come on, he's Liam." She waves a hand towards Liam, as if he's not important. "If I'm going to kiss anybody, it's gotta be somebody who has brains and isn't annoying as h**."

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