CHAPTER THREE, the beast

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Leora doesn't know how she found herself with Liam. The others were in Scott's house, making sure he would be okay. Malia had called Braeden for help so Braeden was there as well. Liam said that he thought he could track Mason down with getting his scent and he managed to convince Leora to go with him. Leora hated that he used his puppy dog eyes. He knew she couldn't say no to them.

So now she's running in the woods alongside him. She felt a lot better after earlier. She had took a break and sat down for awhile at Scott's house, but she still felt exhausted and weak.

"I'm getting something." Liam says, continuing to run. "Come on, let's go!"

"Alright, alright." Leora mumbled, doing her best to catch up to him. She felt like her body was about to collapse, but she forced herself to keep going.

"Why are you slowing down?" Liam questioned, glancing back at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

"I'm not." Leora lied, even though she was. She could barely keep up with Liam's pace. She knew she needed to find Mason, but her body protested with each step.

Liam stopped, realizing she wasn't next to him. She had stopped to catch her breath and her legs were trembling. She was struggling. Liam went back over to her with a sigh. "You're slowing down." Liam stated, noticing her heavy breathing.

"No, I'm not." Leora argued, trying to stand upright and hide her fatigue.

 Liam sighs, his frustration evident as he slowed his pace to match hers. "Look, if you can't keep up, just tell me. I can handle this on my own."

Leora shakes her head, determined to push through despite her fatigue. "No, I'm fine. Let's just keep going." She said, pushing past him and forcing herself to run again.

Liam follows her, easily catching up and running in front of her. "Leo, you can barely keep up." He says, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her along. "Just go back to Scott's. You're gonna pass out if you keep going like this."

Leora shakes her head and continues to protest. "No, I'm-"

She was cut off by the feeling of her body collapsing and she was soon being held by Liam.

"See? I told you." He muttered. He lifted Leora into his arms, carrying her with ease. "Go to sleep, okay? You need the rest."

"I don't want to. We have to find Mason..." Leora slurred, already half asleep. She was out before she could finish her sentence. She was finally getting the rest she so desperately needed.

Liam sighed and walked her back to Scott's house. He was frustrated. She should've told him she was feeling bad. He understood why she didn't, though. She was so stubborn. It was annoying.

He got to Scott's house and dropped her off with the others, setting her down on the couch before he went back out to keep searching for Mason.


Leora woke up at Scott's house. She didn't know how long she had been out, but she was alone in a guest room. She got up, grimacing and holding her head when it started throbbing. She stepped out of the room, pausing in the hallway when she noticed Scott in his room. He was still asleep and thankfully his wounds were healing. But she knew she could help him heal faster.

She stumbled over to him, sitting down next to him. She felt relieved she was finally sitting down, but she didn't focus on that long before she held her hands up over the remaining wounds on Scott's body and her eyes glowed white.

She focused, using her healing powers to heal the last of his wounds. It was a lot harder than before, and she had to put a lot of effort into it now especially because of how weak she was. She knew she was about to pass out, but she hoped she could heal Scott more before she did. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist, snapping her out of her trance. She blinked rapidly, her eyes going back to their normal color as looked up and saw it was Scott. He was awake and frowning at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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