Chapter 1

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There was a kit that was born, they were a hazel-ish color. His mother was a cat named Sandbite, while his father was unknown, since Sandbite would refuse to tell anyone who it was. This kit isn't an ordinary one, there's more to his character than that meets the eye. So here we will find out the story about him and his clan.

Hazelkit was just exploring out loads of territories. He ran away from the clan for a while. Hazel told no one since the kit thought that they would stop him because of 'dangers' around these parts. It was funny to Hazelkit.

Suddenly, Hazel saw a cat approaching him. They started talking about being his 'long last father'... Hazel took the conversation with a grain of salt, of course, since why would his father just appear after moons of him not being around? Before the cat walked away, he mentioned something about a 'thunderpath'. Hazel got curious, since the kit didn't know what a thunderpath is yet. 

After the cat disappeared Hazelkit walked back to his clan and looked for his mother. He eventually found her and started to talk:

"Hey, mother!" Hazel shouted.

"Yes, sweetheart? Is something wrong?" Sandbite asked, looking at the little kitten.

"Can we go see the thunderpath?" Hazelkit said in curiousity.

"Who told you about thunderpaths...?" Sand looked at Hazel, a bit concerned of how he found out about them.

"Some cat who claimed was my dad did!"

"Claimed to be... B- but..."

"But wut?" Hazel asked.

"I- It's nothing sweetheart, don't worry." Sandbite just responded...

"So, can we go?!"

"It's too dangerous, Hazel..."

"But mooom!"

"Please, trust me on this."

"F- Fine..." Hazel gave up.

For the past couple days, Hazelkit was desperate to see the thunderpath, he kept asking his mother about it. Sandbite tried to tell Hazel how dangerous it was, but he wouldn't listen at all. 

Eventually Hazelkit was tired of his mother. He just wanted to see it! It's not like anything would happen c'mon! So one day he just decided to tell his mum he's just gonna go visit the lake in Snowclan's territory.

But that of course, was a lie. He actually went to look for the thunderpath, which he didn't have much idea on how it looked like, but he'd be sure it was the place when he sees it.

Hazel was looking for ages and ages... He was eventually just going to go back but then the kit saw a black thing separating land in to two parts. He didn't know what it was at first, but then understood: 

"This must be the thunderpath!" Hazelkit said to himself.

Hazel trotted over to it and took a closer look...

(A/N: I'm gonna leave this part from here, if you've read my old story before, you might know what comes next. But no spoilers for other people, of course xD. By the way, what's your opinion on like these short kind of parts but there will be many of them? Are they too short or...? Please tell me in the comments, I want to know what you think.)

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