2. That Little Fungus

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Haerin: Well I don't have friends and mother is out of the country so with whom am I supposed to talk  (you said as you looked at him and mad a eye contact for some time and said) Sorry my bad, I forgot to introduce myself Myself Hyun Haerin ( you said and forwarded your hand for a handshake which he gladly accepted as he continued)

??#: Nice to meet you too Haerin Myself ---------
13 September, 2022
Han river, 6:58 pm.

??#: Nice to meet you too Haerin Myself Kim Yoongi ( The guy who resembled a cat , with silver blocks said with a calm voice)

Haerin: Well,  You know what you  resemble cats a lot ( you said making the boy turn his head towards you while an chuckle escaped his lips as he replied)

Yoongi: Yeah that's what my Younger brother said( he said while shaking his head) So what are you doing here at this point of time , I mean it's nearly 7 pm.?  ( he interrogated while you looked at your lap, sighed for the umpteenth time and replied)

Haerin: Well I don't have friends and about my family I only got my Mother ( she chuckled sadly yet fondly while she thought about her Mother yet before she could continue the boy beside her questioned)

Yoongi: Woah ,kid what's with that chuckle? ( he said while his while his whole attention was currently on you)

Haerin: Well my that nothing special actually ( she was about to spill the beans yet the second thought that came inside her brain was like  "Yo bro you really gonna tell him about misery and pain which you go through daily huh!! , You really love feeling pathetic and pitiful don't you?" shrugging off the disturbing thought you looked at him as he said )

Yoongi: Well, as you said you don't have friends, I mean like why you literally got like 1.2 million followers on Instagram, like seriously it's too much, whoa ( he said while scrolling down his phone which you didn't noticed until he looked up )

Haerin: Well I really tend to grow on people, maybe because of my beauty or maybe my status, ( you said as chuckled ever so lightly while he grinned at you and said)

Yoongi: What do you mean by tend to grow on people?, You mean like a fungus .( he said while shaking his head as he found the little kid cute but he wasn't ever in the world going to accept the fact that he found someone cute.)

Haerin: Well maybe yeah, How about you? Don't you have friends ( you asked out of the blue, cause of curiosity , as started talking but for Haerin she felt her eyes being heavy ,she was already tired and frustrated but helping Yoongi was also important as much as sleeping for her , she listening to him taking but  her luck sucked like always she felt asleep with a complete stranger beside her not completely she knew his name tho but was it safe ?)

Yoongi: To be honest,  I really don't like getting along with people, so It's a No, I don't have friends but I have my brothers ( he said as he saw a cute sight in front of him which somehow managed to make him squel ,he saw Haerin sleeping soundly while her head rested on her knees which were in tight hold of hers near her chest)

Yoongi POV •
("That little fungus," I mumbled as I took a glance at the sleeping figure who was pouting and snoring slightly yet softly which somehow made me giggle, I looked at time and it was currently 7:30 ,I thought of waking her up but she looked too peacefully sleeping for me to do that, I glanced at her once again, She looked like a high schooler accordingly, so I took her bag, which was kept- No hell nah thrown beside her, I peeked inside it and saw books, a dairy, a journal some stationary  ,supplies and lastly the thing which I needed the most An ID CARD, Yeah at last today.  I worked so hard that my body is feeling sore, Aggghhrrh whatever, I glanced at the I'd card which gladly had her address, it was not too far from here, so I thought of dropping her at her home, but the problem is HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT WHEN SHE IS SLEEPING,  oh god what am I supposed to do leave her here alone or just take her in my embra-- wait that sounds cringe ,I can just take her to the car and drive her home safely right?,  it's not such a hard work to complete right? I picked her up by keeping my one hand underneath her thighs while my other hand hand stayed on her nape for support, in simple words in a bridal style, I took her towards my car kept her fragile body which weighed like nothing and drove towards her house, after a good 45 minutes ride, I was just left with a utterly classic yet modern mansion in front of my eyes, I came out of my car and went towards the back seat where I kept that kid, I slightly shook her up and to my surprise she woke up and rubbed her big doe eyes which was too adorable to handle yet I succeeded in keeping a straight face as I said)

Yoongi: Hey kid, you are at your home now get out of my car fast,  (he said in a totally annoyed tone which made Haerin frown)

Haerin : What do you mean -- ( that's when reality hit her hard she looked around herself and found the surroundings unfamiliar, she got off the car and called out Yoongi politely as she continues ) Thank you Mr.yoongi for dropping me at my house, I am really grateful for you doing that.

Yoongi : Hmm it's fine, I will be taking my leave first ( he said as Haerin Nodded and passed him a small smile while he drove away that's what she thought, after sometime she herself went inside the mansion while the man who was hiding behind the turn of the road said)

Yoongi : That Idiotic Fungus kid ( he said and chuckled himself at his funny yet somehow creepy thoughs and finally he was about start his car to drive his phone had beeped indicating that someone had messaged him ,he looked at his phone and saw)
                   * In the Chat   *

Where you at?

~Yoongi ~
Somewhere you Don't need to know ,
come straight to the point.

Just come to the company as soon as possible, you gotta attend a mission .

I will there in minutes,dont message me again and again, I reapeat don't message me unless it's important

Sure thing, be fast we don't have the whole day


Yoongi POV•
( Oh shit here we go again, whatever let's go and look out this time what they got for me, I stated and rode my car with the highest speed possible and soon I was outside a huge building,I walked inside and went straight towards his cabin, I knocked for some time and went inside after hearing a dry and cold "come in", I walked in as He stood up and led me the way towards the meeting room and that's when I saw Them, I knew it's something serious as everybody was present in the meeting room, The meeting soon started as He spoke)
??/: OK so you all know about the ---

To be continued

Word count : 1199
Published on: 20/04/23

Thank you for reading y'all.
Love ya 333<

Sorry for late update by the way,


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