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Ohh my gosh, I -I -I am -,sor-ry ,are you alright, j- " (she stammered.)

"SHUT UP, KID " ( said one of his friends who was trying to pick him up, by offering his hand not wanting to step in the puddle, which he rejected by slapping his hand away )

"Oh no fvck you Haerin! What did you do?! You Idiot!,
Out of everyone in the campus why did it had to him.
She closed her eyes tightly as he mentally cursed herself as well as Eunwoo who was now nowhere to be seen until another student voice spoke out."

"are you alright, Jimin ?

" Oh shit, I am totally doomed "
Korea International school,
27 September 2022, 1:08 pm

Elegance, If elegance would have a face, it would surely be Kim Jimin's Face.

Jimin has always been the centre of attraction.He was reasonable or unreasonable - usually one when he should be other , yet he was always graceful.

His appearance was angelic yet he carried a manly aura .He never liked violence but it doesn't mean he was a peaceful person right? . He surely won the heart of many girls inside and even outside the campus . He appeared soft and pure but surely many knew he was wicked.

What added more to his personality was his passion for dance. He was an incredible contemporary artist ,His dancing style was strong ,but controlled leg work of ballet ,with elements of modern dance, while focusing on the graceful content and realising his body ,and the unpredictable changing of Rythm ,style ,speed was just cherry on the top.

His aura was attractive or may I say bewitching ,with his body posture, walk, speech, personality and surely his gaze, It was just his first year in the KIS college ,but he has been the campus sweetheart since the year he started high school.

none would hold grudges like "Kim Jimin" did. He was labelled as brutal in getting back at those who had offended him, He knew the surtle art of making people cry without even throwing a glance at them.

A complete diplomatic and strategic personality which cannot be defeated
easily, Hence it was genuine for students from high school to respect and admire their only sweetheart senior - kim Jimin

Now, not everyone might have seen the way Jimin looked at Haerin, Anyhow she was one of those people who he respected and adored except his brothers in the whole campus ,he was somehow always interested in her, it wasn't like he was in love with her, or had a crush on her, it was just she seemed interesting to him, her not fangirling the 7 brothers, not being clingy on them, never bullied anyone, her being famous even in the college and university,her not being arrogant about her looks and not boasting about her wealth even after being one of the richest kid in the campus,her not talking too much, not being loud , made him think of her as a mystery which wasn't easy to solve yet he was determined to do it.He was somehow egoistic too, He glared at her small soul for hurting his pride somehow ,But even nothing as humiliating as falling in a pit of water never happened to him ever since he stepped inside KIS, he felt that his ego took over him.

While on the other hand it was Haerin who was looking down on her lap while Countiounsly cursing her life as she thought " What did I got myself into uhhhh" .

While Jimin kept glaring at her who just kept her gaze on the ground while shaking a bit and clutching the hem of her skirt tightly, she looked like a scared lamb to him.

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