Going to the beach

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Wake up, Dad says, we are going to the beach. I hop out of bed, brush my teeth, pick out an outfit for the sun, and race downstairs. I gobble up the cereal Mama made me and start packing. I pack my swimsuit, sunscreen, hat, slippers and popsicles. Then I race out the door, fresh air flooding me. As I run to find us a spot, I hear my name being called. "Lucy," Mama calls, "take Lulu with you." Lulu is my dog. Walking in the sand we find the perfect spot to lay down our mat. As we run into the water my parents arrive. We have fun splashing in the water, then we eat our popsicles. Then Mama says it is time to go home. As I wash the sand off in the water I see something shiny. I quickly grab it and head home.

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