The Map

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As I awoke, I heard crashing waves.That was the moment when it dawned on me.I would like to thank Susan for the note she left for me.After consuming Papa's pancakes, I dashed outside.Lulu's shadow followed behind me. I ran into the ice-cold water and began looking for clues as soon as I found a place for Lulu to lie on our mat.In spite of my desire to run out and dry myself with towels, I had to find Susan and express my gratitude to her.As a result of my hours of searching, I was unable to find anything, so I got out of the water and returned home. Upon drying, I climbed into bed and cuddled up to Lulu (if you could not tell, I do that when I am deep in thought).As I turned the note over, I discovered a map. Just as I was examining, my mother called me downstairs for lunch.

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