Season 1

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Stiles Blacks Out
"The man who attacked her... the man who..."
"Someone was with you?"
"Not with me, he attacked her and I tried to stop him."
"Who was he?"
"I don't know dad."
"I DON'T KNOW!" Stiles shouted before he became faint.
"He kidnapped me dad... he..."
"Who took you?" Noah asked, softening his tone.
"Peter he... he attacked Lydia..."
"Peter who?"
"He was going to... he threatened..."
"Dad, I had to..." Styles said as he started to collapse. "Dad..."
"Are you hurt? What did he do to you?" Noah said as he put his arms around Stiles.
"He... Dad, he was going to kill me... I could call Jackson, but that was it," Stiles said as Jackson watched them. "That's all I could do. I tried to warn her, I..."
"He's going down."
"I know."
"Dad... he was going to... Lydia..." Stiles whispered before he collapsed.
"Can we can some help! Thanks," Jackson said as a nurse ran over to help them.

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