Swiped Right

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It was The Announcer's favorite time of the day; When the studio would take a 30 minute break and that meant he could rest his vocals and relax. Announcer had been looking for love recently so he decided to turn to dating apps. Yes, he was that desperate.

"Left, right, Left, Right? Is that Hatsune Leeku?" Announcer said. "Left, not taking any chances. Idols aren't allowed to have dates anyway. Not after what happened to the girl in my manga"

Announcer was so busy swiping left and right that he didn't notice the recording booth door opening behind him.

"She's cool, Right. They're cool, right. IS THAT A MAN RIDING A SHRIMP? Right!" Announcer shouts.

"Any luck?" The voice behind him says. Announcer jumps out of his seat and nearly drops his phone. He turned to see his boss: the Dancing Banana.

"Goodness, you scared the heck outta me!" Announcer said. "I just saw my game show career flash before my eyes. It was awful and it ended with me dying in a cardboard box!"

"Well I can assure you that you won't die in a cardboard box. Yet" Banana said. "So, looking for love?"

"No, I'm playing Doodle Jump!" Announcer says sarcastically. Then, in a more serious and nervous tone "Please don't tell anyone. The people at Love or Host have refused to answer my calls and I've been rejected three times to be on Love is Looney. If I can't find a date on this dating app, I'm gonna have to resort to Craigslist ads. AND I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO DO THAT"

Announcer was not paying attention to his phone and was just mindlessly swiping right.

"uhh you might wanna pay attention to who you're swiping on" Banana said. "You don't wanna go on a date and end up in 7 different cities now would you? That's worse than dying in a cardboard box"

Suddenly, the announcers phone makes a ding noise.

"What was that?" Banana asked. The announcer looks at his phone.

"It's a match!" Announcer said. "I got a match. Finally!"

The Announcer couldn't believe it. Banana watched as Announcer looked at his phone to see who he matched with. His happiness quickly turned to fear and confusion.

"BOARDY?!" Announcer shouts.

"Boardy?" Banana asked. Announcer shows him his phone and it did say, in fact, that he matched with Boardy. The app even mocked him by saying "You and Boardy really like each other"

Banana suddenly bursts into laughter.

"Don't laugh," Announcer said. "You know I was trying to ask a question once but HE budded in. Ugh, he drives me so insane!"

"I don't know man. "Boardy seems really nice" Banana said. "Canadians are usually very nice"

"Wow, way to stereotype!" Announcer says.

"I'm just saying!" Banana said. "I think you should give him a chance. I know a nice Korean BBQ place that just opened in Shovelware Citywalk Hollywood"

"But that place is probably too basic for a SMART board" Announcer says. "I mean this is Boardy the SMART Board we're talking about. He makes more money than I do. He has Canadian Celebrity money, I have Game Show Host money. It's different!"

"And you're a punk and he did ballet" Banana said. "Can't I make it more obvious?'

"Don't Avril Lavigne me!" Announcer said. "If it makes you feel better, maybe I WILL go on that date with Boardy"

"Thank you for coming to your senses" Banana says. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go check on Boardy in his dressing room" Banana turns to leave.

"Wait, how did you get into my recording room? I lost the key remember?" Announcer says.

"I have a spare" Banana says before closing the door and locking it behind him. Announcer was flabbergasted.

"Oh you son of a-"

The first thing Banana was greeted with upon entering Boardy's dressing room was Boardy screaming.

"WE MATCHED?!" Boardy said. "But I've never been on a date before. And I'm under the assumption that he hates my guts, just like everyone else on set. Except the two cherries"

"Announcer is a nice guy." Banana says. "Sure he's emotionally damaged, lives in his car and eats like Randy Quaid but he's so charming. That's why we hired him to be the announcer in the first place."

"Well there is this nice Korean BBQ place that just opened up at Shovelware Citywalk Hollywood" Boardy says "I'll do it! But what should I wear? Is it appropriate to make a move on the first date?"

"Ok, now you're panicking," Banana said. "Luckily, I've been on many dates before. None of them ever wanted a second date but I can help you get a date. But don't say I didn't warn you!"

"I don't care, just help me out!" Boardy says.

"So here's everything you need to know about the announcer," Banana said. "He's emotionally vulnerable, lives in his car, eats like Randy Quaid-"

"You've told me this already," Boardy says.

"He likes long walks on the beach, his favorite color is gray, he has a secret stash of manga, he loves mint chocolate ice cream, and he really wants to visit Canada someday"

"Canada? I live there!" Boardy says. "Maybe I should take him someday. I know all the best places. And my celebrity status can gets us to the best places, like the CN tower"

"I didn't know Cartoon Network had their own tower," Banana said.

"No, it's the big tower in Toronto. And we don't have Cartoon Network, we have Teletoon. Well, we used to anyway" Boardy said.

"See? Maybe you can bring it up to him on your date" Banana said. "And don't forget one thing: Just be yourself"

"Just... Be... Myself" Boardy says. "Got it!"

"We're about to go live again" Banana said. "I'll talk to you after the show"

"Ok" Boardy said. When Banana leaves, Boardy goes right back to screaming.

Time goes back to the end of the day. Banana meets up with Boardy at the exit to Shovelware Studios Hollywood. He brought the Announcer and the nephews with him.

"Did you find the key?" Boardy asks.

"No! The Dancing Banana was kind enough to unlock the door for me!" Announcer says, adjusting his glasses.

"Hey, you can't go on a date if you're stuck in a recording booth," Banana teases.

''Can you not?!" Announcer says, a slight blush forms in his face.

"I'm just messing with ya" Banana said. "Enjoy your date"

"Hmph! We will" Announcer says in an annoyed tone.

"We will! Thanks!" Boardy says in a more excited but still a little nervous voice. The two leave, leaving the banana with his nephews at the exit.

"Now what do we do Uncle?" Oldest Nephew says.

"We wait a few minutes so they don't think we're stalking them and then we stalk them" Banana said. He pulls out a 3 seat baby carriage. "Now get in the carriage. Babies get in free"

Don't Be Alarmed If I Fall Head Over FeetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora