The Date

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The two enter the restaurant. It's very lively since it was the end of the day and people were having their dinner here. A talking Kimbap greets the two at the entrance.

"For two?" Kimbap says.

"Yes Please!" Boardy says. Announcer silently nods in annoyance. Kimbap walks Boardy and the Announcer to their table.

"Feel free to look at the menu and ring the bell when you are ready to order," Kimbap says before leaving. Boardy looks through the menu.

"I've never been to a Korean BBQ before," Boardy says.

"Do they not have Korean BBQs in Canada?" Announcer says.

"They do. I just never had time in my schedule for it" Boardy says.

"I just assumed this place would be too basic for you," Announcer says.

"Well, it's not nice to assume," Boardy says. "I think we should get option A. It's got thin sliced pork belly, some chicken, jajangmyeon, and egg stew"

Boardy rings the bell and Kimbap comes back. Boardy orders for the table.

"Would you two like something to drink?" Kimbap says.

"Just water please," Announcer says.

"I'll take a soda please," Boardy says. Kimbap nods and leaves to get their order.

"So...Banana has been telling me all about you" Boardy says.

"He has?! I hope he didn't mention anything embarrassing about me" Announcer said.

"Oh he didn't reveal much," Boardy said. "Just the fact that you live in you car, eat like Randy Quaid and you're emotionally vulnerable"

"THAT SON OF A-" Announcer says. He hides his face in his hands. Boardy chuckles.

"He also said that you like long walks on the beach, your favorite color is gray, you have a secret stash of manga, you like mint chocolate ice cream-"

"HE TOLD YOU ABOUT MY MANGA?!" Announcer said. "Listen, the Banana Nephews got me into it and dangit I am hooked. I don't want the cherries to have more fuel against me so that's why I keep it in a safe stash. I don't know how Banana got to it. I've hid it pretty well"

Boardy chuckles. "That's so cool," Boardy says.

"You think it's cool?" Announcer said.

"Well, I'm not one to judge someone's literary taste," Boardy says. "Especially if they have good tastes"

Announcer blushes a little at that compliment.

"Well um," Announcer says. "Have you ever heard of Oshi No Ko?"

Kimbap comes back with the meat, chicken, black bean ramen and the egg stew.

"What? No Kimbap?" Boardy says. Kimbap gives him a glare.

"Kidding!" Announcer says. Kimbap chuckles.

"Enjoy your meal you lovebirds!" Kimbap said.

"How did you know this was a date?" Boardy says.

"I've been working at this restaurant chain for 20 years. I know a date when I see one" Kimbap said.

"How have you been working here for 20 years if this place just opened?" Announcer asks.

"Because I used to work at the South Korean location. My family and I moved here thanks to my pen pal Banana. He let us open a restaurant at Shovelware Citywalk Hollywood. We've been doing good so far" Kimbap says.

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