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After some walking they arrived at Kyles house.

The house was warm and inviting, and Stan could feel a sense of calmness wash over him as soon as he walked in.
This was the house he spent most of his childhood in after all.

Shiela greeted them with a smile, and quickly took their coats and led them into the Kyles room.

Stan sat down on an old beanbag chair, feeling exhausted and relieved at the same time.

Shiela came in with a tray of snacks and drinks, and Stan felt his hunger and thirst suddenly come on full force. He had forgotten just how good Mrs. Broflovsky cooking was.

She smiled warmly at him, offering him some snacks and asking if he wanted anything to drink.

Stan nodded gratefully, eager to take some of the weight off his shoulders with some good food and a refreshing drink.

"Thanks, Mrs. Broflovski..this looks amazing," Stan said, taking one of the snacks from the tray. It was a homemade blueberry muffin, one of Kyle's mom's specialties.

The muffin was soft and moist, with a sweet and fruity taste that warmed his heart and eased some of his anxiety. "I really needed this today."

Kyle's mom smiled, happy that she could help. She had always been a comforting presence for Stan, and she knew that he was struggling lately. She was glad to be able to help him out, even if it was just with a simple snack.

"Im gonna leave you boys alone now" Mrs. Broflovsky said closing the door of Kyle's room.

"Thanks mom!"

Stan let out a deep sigh, feeling a wave of relief wash over him as he was finally alone with Kyle.

They had been inseparable since childhood, and Kyle had always been a safe space for Stan.

Stan smiles at him,he couldnt help but notice a sheer intensity of his beauty.

He admires the way his ginger hair shines in the light like a flame, and the way his freckles sparkle like gems on his face.

He can't help but feel a sense of awe at the perfection of Kyle's nose, even with the scars around his mouth.

But it's Kyle's scrawny body that really captivates him--he's like a delicate, intricate glass sculpture, all sharp edges and smooth curves, each part working together to make a whole that just shines. Stan feels a sense of wonder at the beauty that is Kyle, a beauty that goes beyond what meets the eye.


He quickly brushes off his thoughts about Kyle as he realised what he was thinking about.

"Sure Kyle is pretty,but hes not that pretty" Stan said to himself

He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even noticed he was staring.

"Ummm man are you okay," Kyle said in worried voice "This hangover is really getting best out of you huh?"

Stan quickly snapped out of his daydream, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kyle. I didn't even realize I was staring," Stan said sheepishly.

Kyle smiled reassuringly at him.

"Am I that pretty?" Kyle said jokingly.

Stan was stunned for a moment.

He knew that Kyle was joking, of course, but there was something deep in his eyes that made Stan feel uneasy,like he may throw up.

It seemed like there was something more going on beneath the surface, and Stan didn't know what to make of it.

He blamed it all on hang over.

He wanted to ask Kyle what he really meant, but he also didn't want to derail the conversation or make things uncomfortable between them.

Instead, he chose to continue joking about it.

"Shut up man,you are like... the ugliest fuck I've ever seen" Stan said with a light teasing tone.

"Thanks, man," Kyle said with a grin.

They shared a moment of laughter,this is what Stan loved about Kyle.

As they both chuckled,he knew that he was lucky to have someone like Kyle in his life.

Not only was he a great friend, but he also had same sense of humor as Stan.

He could always count on Kyle to make him laugh, even on the darkest of days.

Suddenly Stan felt a deep sense of tiredness wash over him.

His eyes felt heavy, and his limbs felt leaden. He was struggling to keep his head up, and he felt like he was slowly sinking into his seat.

The fatigue was overwhelming, and he found himself wishing that he could just curl up in a ball and fall asleep.

"Hey Kyle" Stan said quietly

"Yeah?" Kyle looked up at him

"Is it okay if i rest in your bed a little bit?" he said kind of embarrassed,even if he knew there was nothing to be embarassed about he just felt like it was the tone proper for this situation.

"Of course man, that's what we are here for" Kyle said.

Kyle was already sitting on his bed,he moved so Stan could lay down.

Stan nodded,he got up from the chair and walked towards the bed.

His eyes felt like they were made of lead.

Every movement felt like a struggle, as if he was moving through thick mud. His limbs felt heavy, like they were made of stone. His head was spinning, and he felt like he was being pulled down into the earth.

Even the simplest task,like taking a step, felt like an impossible feat.

Stan could only thank God and Kyle he was not in school at this moment.

Finally,Stan's body hit the soft and cozy bed like a heavy weight dropping onto water.

He was immediately enveloped in a feeling of comfort and relaxation, like he was being wrapped in a warm blanket.

His tired muscles melted into the bed, and he felt like he was sinking into a cloud.

"Kyle?" Stan said with last resort of strenght he could find.

"Yes Stan?" Kyle said as he sat on the bed again,looking down at him.


Within moments, he found himself drifting off into a deep and restful sleep, his exhaustion finally taking a stronghold over him.

The soft bed and feeling of melancholy being only thing on his mind.

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