Defeat Toralei

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When it's 5 AM, Deuce gets a pillow against his head. ''Y/N, Wtf?'' says Deuce and he sits up in his bed. ''I have an idea, I know how to beat Toralei'' you say and you pull him out of bed. ''Seriously, can't you do that in 3 hours?'' says Deuce and he yawns once. ''Do you want to be class president or not?'' you say and you pull out a chalk board. ''Well yeah , but sleeping is also important'' says Deuce and he wanted to continue sleeping on the couch. ''Don't sleep like that all the time!!'' you shout and you hit his head with a pillow. "Okay, okay!" he says and walks to the board. ''sit'' you say and you point to the ground. '' What?'' says Deuce and he looks at you in surprise. ''Sit with your ass on the floor!'' you say and you point to the ground.

Deuce looks at you in surprise and then sits down. "Okay, let's get started," you say and grab a piece of chalk. ''To beat Toralei, we need to know her weakness. Do you know what that is?" You ask and you look at him. ''She can't stand it when her outfit gets ruined,'' says Deuce and he looks at you blushing. "What are you looking at?" you ask. ''You just look cute in our matching pajamas,'' Deuce says and stands up. He walks over to you and grabs you by the waist. ''Deuce, you really need to learn to focus'' you say and you look at him with a smile. '' Ehhh, I think kissing you is a better plan '' he says and he kisses you on the lips.

Deuce X Reader part 3 || Monster High|| English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now