♡ Friends and Phones ♡

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As soon as I'd gotten home I crashed on my bed. Flopping on the bare matress on the hard wood floor. Snapchat buzzed and I checked my phone, hoping it was Ryan. It wasn't. I don't know why I was so disappointed, it was one of my best friends.

{ text }

Frankie: heyyyy wassup

Sylvie: met a cute guy at the park

Frankie: ooooh

Sylvie: dont bother hes not ur type

Frankie: ahhh

Frankie: so, hes a fuck boy

Syvlie: that was ONE TIME FRANK LET IT GO

Frankie: okay okay 

Frankie: whats he like then

Sylvie: welllll

Sylvie: he seems super nice, and kinda shy

Frankie: yeahhh, not my type 

Sylvie: shut up

Frankie: ok

Sylvie: anyways he seems really sweet and idk y but i kinda  

Frankie: kinda what

Sylvie: nvm

Sylvie: frank

Frankie: yes

Sylvie: ryan just texted me

Frankie: answer him girl

Sylvie: since when do u call me girl

Frankie: since when did u pull bitches

Sylvie: hush

{ normal }

I opened Ryan's text with my heart in my throat.

{ text } 

Ryan: hi

Sylvie: hi

Ryan: um, so did u wanna maybe grab a coffee sometime 

Sylvie: yea sure

Sylvie: where were u thinking

Ryan: well there's this really nice cafe my friend told me about

Ryan: i hope its not too far for u to travel

Sylvie: ill be fine

Sylvie: do u have any day in mind

Ryan: yeah, maybe this monday

Sylvie: sounds great ryan

Ryan: this might be awkward but Ive never rlly spent time with girls before

Sylvie: why? is this a date ryan

Sylvie: we just met

Ryan: um, no no

Ryan: its just to get to know each other

Sylvie: okay then

Ryan: um, can i pick u up at abt 10

Sylvie: sure, I'll text u my address 

{ 1 link attached }

Ryan: cool cool then

Sylvie: great cya then

Ryan: yep bye

{ normal } 

I sat my phone down on my bedside table and leaped out of bed as I heard the door opening. "Frank is that you!?" I shouted out. "No it's Bill Nye the Science guy!" Frank yelled back. "Heyyyyy." I mumbled, rushing into Frank's arms, burying my face into his warm chest.

"Whoa girl steady on. I love you but we're not quite at the face chest thing yet. Okay?" Frank scolded me. He heaved the shopping bags onto the kitchen bench as I clung onto him. Frank picked me up and held me in the air while I laughed. He gently put me down and made a mocking face at me.

Frank and I both worked minimum wage jobs, but some how still managed to afford a shitty apartment in a dirty part of town. 

I helped Frank unload the shopping while he talked about his day. After we were finished Frank dragged me into our shared bedroom and sat me down on his bed. "Tell me EVERYTHING about this boy. Go." Frank said, intensely staring at me. I explained how Ryan had been looking at me blah blah blah. "And tommorow he's taking me out to a coffee shop." I said, finishing my story.

"You're gonna go on a date with a mystery boy?" Frank said, slightly upset. "It's not a date. Ryan said so." I told him. Frank raised his eyes to heaven. "Syl, you have no idea how boys think. They want dates, kisses, sex." "FRANK!" "Sorry, but you know what I mean. It might not be to you, but to this guy it's a date. And I'd rather you didn't get STDs from swing boy." 

I gasped. "FrAnK nO! I'm not fucking this guy okay! Just because you're jealous." I crossed my arms and gave Frank a sassy diva look. "I am not jealous!" Frank scoffed. "I'm just worried about you, that's all." A sudden thought crossed my mind. But I ignored it. "Anyways Frankie, what's for dinner?" 

"Excuse me bitch, I do everything else around here. The least you could do is cook once a week!" Frank replied. "Did you just call me a bitch!?" I said, shocked. "Yes I did." Frank scooped me up into a piggy back and carried me to the kitchen. "Now, I would like some mac n cheese if that's no too difficult for you." Frank ordered after he put me down. "If you want edible food then you'll have to help me." Frank rolled his eyes and smiled. "Finee. I'll help, but only this one time." "Yayy. Thanks Frank. Oh my god it rhymes!" 

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