♢ Black Eyed Sylvan ♢

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The weirdos, except for Pete, had left the party, leaving just the gang. Ollie had joined us, as we all sat around on the floor. I held an ice pack on my left eye, staying silent besides the occasional groan in pain. Gerard was lying on the couch as Mikey bandaged him up, while Ray did the same for Frank. Joe was sitting on the stairs, swinging hs legs like a five year old. Andy and Pete were lying on the floor, Dan and Phil were on their phones, and Ollie, Ryan and Patrick were hovering around me.

With Frank and Gerard all fixed up, Ray turned to me. He took the ice off and winced. "What?" I asked worriedly. "It's not good. But it will heal." Ray quickly added after seeing my face. Pete looked at me and laughed. "You look like a fucking panda!" He cried, bursting into a fit of giggles. Soon everyone had caught sight of my black eye, except for me. I checked on my phone's camera, and nearly screamed out loud.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled. My left eye had a big black and purple splotch around it, a huge circle of green. My eye ball was red from crying from the pain, and ,y eye had swelled up like a balloon. I walked over to Gerard, and if he wasn't injired I would've slapped him. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I cried at him. "You made me ugly!" Someone chuckled. "That was pretty easy." "SHUT UP JOE!"

Gerard was slightly more sober than he was half an hour ago. He studied my face to figure out what's wrong. He saw my black eye and made a quizzical face. "You did this to me." I repeated. Recognition dawned on Gee's face and he sprung up and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away. "Sylvan! I'm so, sorry. You don't understand. I didn't mean to hit you." Gerard begged me to forgive him. I turned away and dragged Ryan and Frank with me. "Thanks guys. See you all later." I bid everyone a quick goodbye and hugged my brother.

The three musketeers reached Frank's car when Ryan decided Frank was in no fit state to drive. I offered to but Ryan reminded me about my whole 'can't see through one eye' situation. So Ryan climbed into the driver's seat, and I sat in passenger.

"Hey Ry." I said about five minutes into the drive. "Yeah Syl?" He replied, not taking his eyes off the road. "Can I play some music please?" Ryan sighed and I clapped my hands in excitement. "Okay! I plugged my phone into the aux, and put my playlist on shuffle. The first thing that came on was Boulevard of Broken Dreams, which I started to sing to quietly.

"I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known." I sang along. "Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone." Ryan chuckled at me before joining in.

"I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Where the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone." We sang, slowly getting louder. Frank caught on and started singing with us. "I walk alone, I walk alone. I walk alone, I walk a." For this next bit all three of us raised our voices. "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow hearts the only thing that beating!!"

"Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me! TILL THEN I WAALK ALONE!"

{ time skip }

When we got home, I was still humming Green Day. Clearly the boys were too, because Frank was whistling to Jesus of Surburbia and Ryan was tapping his fingers to the beat of Welcome to Paradise. The second I stepped through the door I flopped on the couch from utter exhaustion.

The three of us lazed about until it was time for dinner. Then we were too laxy to cook, so we ordered Chinese. "Hey guys I'm gonna go take a shower. There's money on the bench if the food arrives, kay?" Frank annouces before walking into the bathroom. "Okay!" I called back, but the door had already slammed shut.

Ryan and I were watching cooking shows and making fun of people's skills, or more to the point lack of skills. "Ha! That's so retarded it makes me look smart." "Is that even food?" "Girl what is that shit?" These were a fine selection of things me and Ry had said.

Outside, it started pitter pattering. The gentle rain made my bruised eye feel weird. Wait no, that's not my eye. I looked up at Ryan and got a sudden feeling of deja vu. But obviously I didn't know what it was. All I knew was that Ry was sitting beside me, it was raining and I wanted to kiss him.

Ryan caught my look and bit the corner of his lip. The rain began to get heavier, more and more until I was transported back to our first kiss. Drenched in water, kissing in his car. Then to us sitting on this very couch, looking at each other the same way we did that day.

We both leaned forward awkwardly, because I think we were both unsure how to go about kissing your ex. We were saved, or not, by the bell. The doorbell specifically. I apologized to Ryan and hurried off to answer the door. I took the money Frank had left on the kitchen counter and opened the door.

The delivery lady handed me a bag of delicious smelling food and I handed over the money. I thanked her and shut the door. I set the food on the kitchen bench as Ryan walked into the kitchen to see what was going on. I jumped into Ry's arms, smothering my face into his jacket. "Syl, a girl like you is impossible to find, you know that? Because I'm falling for you over again."

I stood on my tip toes and kissed the boy of my dreams. I didn't let go of him until I needed to take a breath. I laughed, smiling bigger than I ever had before. Ryan smiled back at me and pulled me in again. "I love you Sylvan." He mumbled in between kisses. "More than you love me." I laughed. "Nope, that's impossible.

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