Chapter 16. : the sheep in wolfs clothing ...

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(It will be raining CUZ IT IS WHERE I AM CURRENTLY. Also the time for this is 7:54 4/20/23.)

We arrived home soon after and heard the screams of our drunk parents in the yard we walked down slowly to see what was happening... they were fighting and we're soaked but suddenly they slipped quickly I covered Leonard's eyes closing one of mine I felt dizzy when I saw the blood and the dead bodies of them just laying there.... I only had time to know what happened before I passed out

I sat by Lucius who was groaning as he slowly woke up "are you alright Lu?!" I cried out as he looked over at me blinking tears forming in his eyes he just shook his head "m-momma..." I only shook my head "Lu you can't do that!! But also momma didn't make it...." We were silent for a while grieving our mothers death she was the only person kind to me and him in our family that we knew of anyway... "well grandpa said we'd stay would with someone named 'astral'? 'Astra'? But that doesn't matter what if they aren't nice to us!" He only shook his head "I do remember something about that person... they've seen us before Leo..." I was a bit shocked but not surprised by my twins good memory he had better memory than anyone else in our family...

"Honnnn" I heard her say "hmm?" I looked up and at her she was wearing shorts and an adorable cropped hoodie with it "do you need something sunrise?" She just nodded her head 'that's a first...' I patted the spot next to me and motioned for her to come and sit with me so we could talk about it together "I wanna see my younger brothers..." I was frozen in shock "I thought-" she just shushed me "they did but I got adopted but i still see them as my siblings it doesn't matter much but they are staying with us..." I just nod following what she is saying "I'm fine with anything you want, but you'll need a bigger apartment for it" she just nodded eeagerly a smile forming on her face that made me chuckle "well when do they come?" An instant reply "may 1st. But we get to see them for the first time in a few days? Hours? Months?" I nodded that was enough time to move and refurbish her home for all three of them I guessed...
(I won't be posting that chapter until may 1st as well so that's kinda ironic but oh well)

"I'm scared Lu..." "I am too leo..." he murmured back to me a tear falling down his cheek "what if hey separate us Lu?!" I cried the tears I fought back streaming down my face as Lucius calmed me down a bit a few tears falling from his eyes "they won't and they can't Leo." I heard him say but it was muffled as his face was in the crook of my neck making me giggle a bit "thanks Lu..." I mumbled to him before we both got ready and went to bed not noticing that their grandfather was in the doorway...

"Go get the kids they need new clothes." The person nodded and went off to get Lucius and Leonard (little Leo~) who were huddled together sleeping on the bed it looked almost like they were suffocating as they hid under the blanket and halfway under the pillows....

Leonard woke up blinking he heard someone call for them and was sure it was their grandfather "Lu.... Get up we have to go with grandfather" Lucius groaned turning away but sitting up "morning Leo..." "morning Lu" they both got up and went to get dressed for the day "hurry boys we'll be late!" Their grandfather shouted from downstairs quickly they finished doing their hair and rushed down stairs putting in their shoes....
"Lu I'm nervous about seeing this 'astral' person" i whispered to Lucius who was sitting next to me in his new suit as our grandfather pulled into that persons house and into the driveway "behave you two you don't want him separate you apart." We gulped nodding quickly and got out of the car heading to the front door and knocked "COMING" we heard two men yell...

We quickly rushed to the door "hello there!"

We were greeted by a woman "h-hello... who are you?" Leonard greeted "I am Astra..." she stood up quickly and waved off our grandfather "GOODBYE GRANDPA!" She said smiling "well your not the person who's caring for us now... where is astral?" I said not really wanting to do anything with these people "that would be me.." I heard her mumble as she looked a bit sad, being honest I was a bit shocked "hey kid. Don't go dead naming my girlfriend." I flinched stiffening I saw a dude pull her closer with his arms and glare at me "hon don't do that to them... they just lost their mother and our father..." I heard her mumbling to the dude (Lucius's and Leonard's mother was astra's stepmother and kicked her out of the house when she learned that she wanted to be a girl and was also bi.) "what do you mean miss?" Leo asked clearly avoiding the uncomfortable atmosphere around us "well your mother didn't- how do I put this so you would understand...." Leo looked confused "we already know about sex" he says so matter a fact making me laugh "we do but don't put it like that Leo!" He just giggled as I ruffled his fluffy hair "WHY ARE THEY SO GODDAMN CUTE?!" I heard a squirt from behind me I turned around and saw a woman who liked like the suede who was Golding our new caretaker by the waist "who are you?" She just threw her head back laughing "I'm Nevada" she says after she finally stopped and breathed "hon could you take them to their room for the two days?" The dude only nodded his head and gently picked me a Leonard up with ease which made me feel  surprised to say the least...

My knife, your life? No our life (newly re-continued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant