Chapter Two

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Tears flowed down Aarushi's face as she carefully pieced together the antique tea set Parvati had destroyed in a fit of rage. It always pained her fragile heart to witness her older sister's sanity disappear piece by piece. It didn't matter that they were forced to relive this cursed day on repeat, as today 333,450 meteor showers, for eternity, true torture lay in having to watch her sister fall victim to the curse of the dhampyre.

As a young girl, Aarushi could remember curling upon her grand-aunt's lap as she imparted her wisdom about every supernatural creature she'd come across in her travels as a young woman. The dhampyre ironically enough had always fascinated the young woman currently only 14 summers of age. So entranced by a creature who seemed like a myth even to other supernaturals themselves, she made her aunt recount on numerous occasions every piece of knowledge known on the legend of the dhampyre. Most terrifying the dhampyre curse meant the offspring never grew to see adulthood, each falling to horrendous deaths only to awaken hours later, eyes unnaturally blue, black spider veins and a frightening top set of double sharpen canines and a row of smaller fangs lining the bottom. Sharp teeth always on display betrayed the dhampyre's true nature after transition, top fangs which only elongated at feeding time. Ironically enough one could not pinpoint a dhampyre before they died, they are born human and die a human death only they arise hours later as a fledgling member of the undead.

These early deaths usually meant the dhampyre never mentally progressed beyond the age they died and Parvati was murdered by her coven one year shy of her magical maturity at 17 summers. Even as a witch the young girl struggled to contain her magic, she was overwhelmingly powerful for her age with an ability to cast magics that were even beyond the levels of the coven elders. Many feared and respected the young woman, proud and relieved to have her as the next head of their coven and not as an enemy. Her magic never fully settled and now paired with an uncontrollable thirst and volatile emotions Parvati was prone to colossal meltdowns as the hunger pangs never truly diminished and there was only so much blood-infused alcohol could do.

At the moment, Lokirina was attempting to comfort a distraught Parvati who was sobbing in pain, clutching her stomach as the pain grew. Her screams were muffled into Lokrinia's stomach as the young girl could do nothing but thread her fingers through her hair as she tearfully hummed lullabies from their childhood.

By the time the pains slowed down into the background, Parvati remained crippled, head in the lap of her younger sister, one hand clutched between Aarushis' as she stared blankly at the destroyed walls of the Solar. The sisters who were once shining lights of blissful ignorance as they draped themselves in their expensive silken sarees and heavy jewellery enjoying a brief moment of reprieve from the heavy weight of eternal punishment borne from a father's twisted perception of love. 



Because of him, they were forever trapped within a prison world, doomed to repeat this one day until the end of time, she was doomed to live in an unending loop of fiery torment clawing at her throat. No helpings of blood could ever hope to ease as it wasn't the blood of a vampire as she had painfully come to find out.

Moments after waking from her death, she was forced to feed off a vampire, he had sealed away within the prison alongside his daughters. She could almost taste the richness of depth within his blood as the warm liquid slid down her throat and euphoria burst forth within her. She had fed so deeply and in her moment of weakness, she had snapped his head off and left to seek more prey leaving only her terror-stricken sisters in the wake. 

The first few days were utter agony, her body was crippled with aches on the verge of desiccation but it refused to stop moving, to stop hunting for prey that would never be found. She must have wasted away for days between the threshold of life and death, an immortal bound to the confines of her prison for eternity. The feverish sweats must have lasted for days until her sisters found her and coaxed small amounts of human blood down. The dhampyre's body seemingly accepted it in only small doses before it tried to expel the substance. Through years of trial and error, the sisters found small doses of magically infusing alcohol with human blood tamed the rapid rate of desiccation but never fully stopped its withdrawal periods. Parvati believed by slowing down the body's rapid metabolism and overall digestive ability through alcohol and various herbs efficiently tricked the body into accepting the human blood as vampire's. It was simply the best solution given the parameters of their situation.

So lying there on that cold floor starved and shivering as the hunger pangs rocked her body, Parvati swore into the endless void of eternity, revenge. She couldn't swear this was the last time she would cry for the hand she was dealt but she could damn well ensure the suffering and tears that stained her listless body would return tenfold upon her enemies. She'd wield Kaladanda, the ancestral blade of her maternal coven to trap their souls and condemn them for eternity just as they did her. It didn't matter how long she'd have to wait to exact revenge because she knew even with a year to live outside this prison she'd have the backing of the surviving Mikaelsons and even Nature couldn't help the defectors then. 

 I mean, after all, why get sad when you can get even? Yeah, she was definitely on some vigilante shit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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