Shampoo 🩷⚠️

21 1 0

Attmoz x Galvana


Time-3:29 A.M.

It was early, Galvana the leader of the celestials knew that, but she had to get to the bottom of all the problems with the continent, and the outer islands. she was up at her desk, tiredly writing down notes from books. Until she heard a knock at her door.

"Hm, oh uh. C-come in."Galvana said, quickly trying to wipe her face and clean up her desk.
"Hey Gal." Attmoz semi-whisperd, peeking his head through the door, then walking in.
"Hi, what are you doing up so late?" Galvana said, motioning to a stool next to hers.
"I should be asking you that." Attmoz replied, sitting down.
"Oh, y'know, just writing notes and taking studies on the continent and islands." Galvana said.
" missed game night." Attmoz said, leaning on the desk.
"Oh, jeeze what time is it." Galvana said, stretching out her back.
"Umm, almost 3:20 I think." Attmoz said, trying to remember what the sun dial looked like when he left the roof.
"Oh." Galvana sighed. "oh well, it's fine theirs other days."
"Mhm. Gal."Attmoz said, catching Galvanas attention. "Do you feel uncomfortable sharing your emotions?"
"W-what." Galvana said, clearly taken back from the question. "O-of course not."
"Hm, you sure." Attmoz said, leaning a bit towards the De Facto.
"Fine, mabey, I don't know." Galvana sighed, looking away from Attmoz.
"Do you feel like since you're the leader you don't have the right to have emotions that bring the team down?" Attmoz said, sitting up straight, "or, do you feel like we'll judge you? Or both."
Galvana stayed silent.
"Y'know, you can tell me, I'm good at keeping secrets, plus, I won't judge you." Attmoz said, making it so Galvana was looking at him.
They stared into each other's eyes(eye) for what felt like forever, until Galvana swooped toward Attmoz and engulfing him in a hug, burying her face in his soft chest crying.
"I'm sorry." Galvana said, her voice cracking and muffeld. "I just, didn't want to stress you guys out anymore than you already are."
Attmoz wrapped his arms around the De Facto, putting his head on the top of hers.
"It's alright, everyone has feelings like this Gal........but you feel much better once you tell someone." Attmoz said, hugging her tighter as Galvana began to sob. "shhh, it's alright let it all out."
Galvana cried for about an hour still holding tightly onto Attmoz, like she'd never see him again. After a while her breath became slower and she calmed down.
"Feeling better?" Attmoz asked, rubbing her back.

.      .     .

"Your fur is soft." Galvana said out of the blue.
"Oh, uh, thank you, I try to keep it nice, y'know condishiner, shampoo, and like 50 different hair moisturizers, plus a very very very painful combing session." Attmoz said, making Galvana chuckle.
"Oh, you know how to make me laugh even in the worst situations."
"It's my speciality." Attmoz said, cupping Galvanas smiling face with his hands.
"Now there's the Galvana I love to see." He said, wiping away a tear.
The sentence caused Galvana to pause for a bit then. In a swift movement she connected lips with the air celestial, surprising him but not to long later kissing back. This lasted at least two minutes.
"Whoa." Attmoz gasped, his accent really showing.
"Your, accents showing." Galvana chuckled, thinking for a moment then decided to move onto Attmozes lap and cuddle back into his chest.
"Got uncomfortable?" Attmoz chuckled, making Galvana laugh.
Soon, Attmoz carried Galvana into her bed and they went to sleep all cuddled up. (Little did they know that they only had like 2 hours of sleep left)

SIDE NOTE!!! If your feeling sad don't be afraid to tell someone, therapy isn't just having someone listen to your problems and take notes, it's just telling someone your problemes. YOU ARE LOVED!!!!

Word count; 660

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