Bath time 🩷

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Blasoom x Furnoss

Blasoom almost like the pet of the Celestials (like how Animal is in the Muppets) but still being a big part of the team, when he's helping out with important stuff.
"Blasoom, where have you gone." Furnoss sighed.
"Lookn' for Blasoom?" Glaishur asked.
"Yea." He replied.
"Whatcha need him for." Glaishur asked again.
"Gotta give him a bath." Furnoss half whispered, but Blasoom walked in right at that moment.
They stared at each other in silence until Blasoom dashed away.
"Blasoom come back!!" Furnoss yelled, chasing after the plant celestial.
"You're not making me!!" Blasoom yelled back.
"Ugh, I'm too old for this." Furnoss heaved.
Furnoss chased Blasoom into his room (Furnosses) and began looking around.
"Oh dear I wonder where he could've gone."
And just like that Furnoss grabed the end of Blasooms tail from under his bed and kept him in a strong hold. Luckily Furnoss had this all planned out and the bath was already ready to go.
"Noooo!" Blasoom protested.
Furnoss plopped Blasoom into the tub still fighting the entire bath. Finally Furnoss rapped him up in a towel and put him on the bed.
"Cmon it wasn't that bad." Furnoss chuckled.
"Yes it was." Blasoom growled, causing Furnoss to laugh and pet his back.
"Well if your so mad then I guess no pats." Furnoss joked.
"No wait im sorryyy." Blasoom whined, nudging Furnosses hand, but he didn't budge.
"Haha, ok ok." Furnoss laughed.
Furnoss pet  Blasoom on his back making him purr.
"Heh I didn't know you could purr. " Furnoss chuckled.
"What no, I don't." Blasoom denied, rolling onto his back.
"Uh huh, really." Furnoss said, petting Blasoom on his belly making him purr again and making Furnoss laugh more.
"Stooop." Blasoom said, standing up pushing Furnosses arms.
"Just admit it Soom, you purr."
"Fine, but don't tell anyone." Blasoom said.
"Ok, promise." Furnoss replied, kissing Blasoom on the cheek and eventually falling asleep.


Don't be weird y'all

Word count (333)

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