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The author completely made up the plot, characters, and events that are shown in the narrative. Any likeness to real people, living or dead, or to true events is totally coincidental. Any resemblances to actual events or people are coincidental only because the story is a work of fiction. Any of the characters' actions or demeanor in the story are not supported or encouraged by the author. Only amusement value is meant with this tale.


Nathan had everything he could possibly want, including a flourishing business, a stunning wife, and an opulent way of life. Nevertheless, despite his successes, he felt a void in his life and a persistent sense that he was missing something important.

Nathan met Sophie, a young and energetic artist, one fateful evening while at a charity event. Sophie's enthusiasm for her work was contagious.

Nathan was enthralled by Sophie's enthusiasm and charisma as they talked. He questioned Sophie, genuinely curious, "So, Sophie, what inspired you to become an artist?"

Sophie grinned, her eyes glistening with anticipation. "I've always been drawn to the creative process, the way that a blank canvas can become something beautiful and meaningful with just a few strokes of a brush. It's like magic."

Nathan nodded admiringly. I applaud you for having the bravery to follow your passion in that way.

When Sophie and Nathan exchanged looks, everything else temporarily disappeared. It's worthwhile, she muttered. "To pursue your passion, even if it is not the easiest course to take."

Nathan and Sophie carried on talking until the wee hours of the morning, their exchanges sounding as natural as if they had been friends for years. And at that very moment, Nathan experienced an internal spark that he couldn't shake. He was aware that Sophie was unique and had the power to drastically alter his life.

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