1 : The Encounter

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At the charity event's entrance, Nathan stood and looked around for anyone he knew. His life lacked something, despite the fact that he was a prosperous businessman with a sharp mind and an acute sense of opportunity. He enjoyed wealth, influence, and a stunning wife, which was everything he could want. But he couldn't get rid of the idea that life was about more than just his professional accomplishment.

A young woman was standing by a corner, looking at a painting on the wall, as he pushed his way through the crowd. She had stunning emerald eyes that gleamed in the low light and long, dark hair that fell down her back. She was dressed in a straightforward black dress that fit her contours perfectly. Nathan was fixated on her the entire time.

He approached her, attempting to come up with a conversation starter that wouldn't sound too intrusive. He pointed at the painting she was ogling and said, "That's a beautiful painting."

He turned to face Sophie, who grinned. "Yes, it is; don't you think the colors are so vivid?"

Nathan nodded while feigning interest in her. He extended his hand and added, "I'm Nathan, by the way."

When Sophie shook his hand, he felt a chill run down his spine. "Hello, Nathan. My name is Sophie. Nice to meet you."

When they got to talking about art, Nathan was astounded by Sophie's level of expertise. Nathan was enthralled by her voice and her brilliance as she spoke passionately about her work and the work of others. He was astounded by how simple it was to communicate with her.

Nathan and Sophie saw that they were drawn to one another as the night went on. With each minute that went by, their chemistry grew stronger as they conversed and laughed together. Nathan couldn't help but observe Sophie's distinction from his wife. While his wife was more quiet and focused on upholding their family's reputation in the public light, she was freewheeling and adventurous.

The evening was quickly coming to a close. Knowing he might never see Sophie again made Nathan feel disappointed. He said, "I had a great time tonight," expecting she would agree.

Sophie grinned at him while her eyes glistened. "Me too. Perhaps we can repeat this at a later time."

At her comments, Nathan had a rush of excitement. He took her hand in his, "I would love that," he said.

Nathan felt electric shocks travel through his body when Sophie touched him, alerting him to his predicament. He was married, thus it was inappropriate for him to be drawn to another lady in this way. But he was powerless to resist. He was drawn to Sophie by something she possessed that he had been lacking.

Nathan couldn't stop thinking about Sophie as he left the gathering. He was aware that he needed to exercise caution, but he also desired to see her one more. He felt drawn to her in the same way that a moth is drawn to a flame and that their meeting was only the beginning of something he couldn't control.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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