Twenty One: No Longer A Stranger

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This was a piece I wrote for a WriCon, I hope you enjoy reading it!

Theme: Rejoice in Hope
Genre: General Fiction
Word Count: 1,995
Title: No Longer A Stranger

Growing in an orphanage was not easy. Each moment that passed by could break a child's heart. To see the others being adopted and your friends leaving you behind together with their new families, was a truth that nobody wanted to experience.

At first, I would cry and be sad because I was always left alone. I would ask the caretakers why nobody wanted to adopt me. There were also the days I would ask them why my parents abandoned me. But no matter how they gave me an explanation, I was never satisfied.

I was so full of bitterness that my days were full of angry tantrums and bloody fights. That must have been the reason why none of those couples that come and go wanted to adopt me because I was full of wounds and bruises. All I wanted was family, someone I can call mother and father, people that can fill the void in my heart. It never happened though.

Through the days, months and years that passed by, I learned to smile and congratulate those kids who had found a place they could call home, a place they could call theirs. I became quiet. I chose to stay by myself and pass the time in my own created loneliness. I then reached the age of ten, too old to be adopted and another reason why nobody wanted me, but despite the pain, I would still smile. I've lost all hope by then and I dare not hope again.

It was summer, I was sitting in our shared room and was looking out the window when a car entered the compound. A couple alighted from the vehicle and they were met by the director of the orphanage. They must have come to adopt.

"Miss Maria is calling us, you should come too big brother! This might be your chance. I heard that the couple wasn't particular with the age of the child they wanted to adopt!" One of the younger boys in our room came running to me with a silly grin on his face.

I sighed and ruffled his hair before standing up to go together with him. "Marcus, you should think about yourself before thinking of others. I don't want you to stay here in this place and be left out. Make sure to behave when they make their rounds, alright?"

I don't want to expect so instead of thinking about how I could be adopted, I was making sure that the younger ones would get adopted first. I could wait a few more years and leave this place once I turn eighteen, maybe I could also be happy in another place.

We lined up just like how we always do and as usual the director would recommend children and would try to convince the couple to choose from them. They took a look at us and when they came in front of me, I heard the director telling them details about me. As always, the couple didn't give me a second glance, just as I expected.

The couple visited for a couple more days and on the last day of their visit, they made their decision which shocked the employees and the director. The news also made me question if they were in their right mind.

Everything happened so fast that I did not have the time to digest all of it. All my things were packed and I rode their car to their house. I was still overwhelmed that time but once I stepped in that place, I could feel the tears trickling down my face.

It was the happiest day of my life. They even hugged and comforted me when they saw that I was crying. The warmth from those hands was something I never dreamed of having.

Catherine and Lucas were wonderful parents. They never let me feel that I was not their flesh and blood. It was a dream come true, a dream that I wish would never end but reality woke me up with a slap.

Catherine couldn't give birth that was why they chose to adopt but after only two years of staying with them, she became pregnant. I could see how happy they were, the sparkle in their eyes couldn't hide that fact. I, I was disappointed and sad and yet I tried to be happy with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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