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So that's it then? That's how my life ends? Blue thought as his eyes opened to one million stars, dancing in the pitch-black sky.

"Woah," he uttered, slowly taking off to the sky. Maybe being dead isn't so bad after all?
And that was when some of those stars moved, coming closer and closer.
"Hello? Who's there?" He called as the star creature moved closer, revealing themselves to be that dragon Blue saw once in his dreams, except rather than having a full body, theirs was just an outline of stars.

"It's you," he realized, "Who even are you? You showed up once and said something about being the 'chosen one' but never showed up again. Who even are you? I guess whatever Asura said about you was a lie, huh?"
The dragon laughed, "Just look at yourself, child,"
"Hmm?" Blue seemed confused, but did as he said, and as he looked at his arm.

It was longer, rather than ending with an arm, it ended with claws.
"What?" He looked at his tail, wings, and body, all the same as the dragon before him, except he was even more spirit-like, "I don't understand. Am I dead? Why do I look like you?"

"No no. You're not dead. Just see this as an 'out of body experience'" he laughed, others just like him coming into view.

"We are the Xtarian Spirits. We are the protectors of time. But..." he laughed a little again, turning to face another, "we're actually dead,"
"What?" Blue asked again, "What happened?"

"Oh well, we were supposed to stop a time-eater from distorting this world ages ago, but it got the best of us all. We won, but at a great cost. But then 17 years ago, we all felt something, and we knew you had hatched. After all these years, one of our eggs had been preserved, keeping you safe."

"So what you're saying is," Blue realized, "I'm not Möbian, am I?"
"No, not really?" The other Xtarian grimaced, his voice gentle, "We're shape-shifters. We can shapeshift into certain species. You're true form must be locked, since you were never taught how to use it as a hatchling."

Blue seemed to laugh a bit, "I can't believe it, this whole time. This is really what I am. But, I have to go. The worlds in danger, and Sonic.." he remembered.

The two Xtarians looked at each over, "We know what to do, Come. You and I, we'll fly,"

The first Xtarian took off, beaconing for Blue to follow, as he walked amongst the stars, in some sort of galactic run.
Blue following, getting used to this new form.

"Just stay by our side, kid," the other came up to his side, followed by the rest of the Thunder.

They ran through lakes of stars and galaxies and the most beautiful night-time things you could imagine, until they came across another Xtarian.

"Woah," Blue had to utter again, that their absolute size, easily as big as the Moon, all the other Xtairans circling them.

"Come here, my child," they smiled, the first Xtarian nodding, so Blue moved forward.
"I've been watching you, and I knew this day would come. Blue. I hope you're ready for this, defeating a Time-Eater of Asura's size is no easy feat."
"I know," Blue grimaced, "But I'm ready to take that risk if it's going to save everyone on Earth."

"Well," they laughed, "I wouldn't want to keep you waiting then." They moved out the way to reveal the Earth, "Go, and we'll be there with you in Spirit."

"Go on then," the first Xtarian laughed, the second nodding.
"Yeah, you know what to do,"

"Thanks, guys," Blue smiled, but before he could go, the first had something else to say:
"Oh, and Blue. Watch out for Sonic. He's something bigger than what he thinks, way bigger, and he's going to need help on his journey."

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