Surely the multiversal survival guide 101 must exist somewhere

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The first days in this new world were complicated for Alvia. Not to mention the lack of identity papers. Not that she didn't have any. She did have them, secured in her leather wallet. However, it was a topic she would rather avoid dealing with. How was she supposed to explain that not only did she have papers from the future, but that they had a different name than the one used when she finally introduced herself?

For security, Alvia played the homeless, illegal immigrant card. It was bold, yet Jackie seemed convinced.

Alvia had to face the fact that the world she knew from television, audio, and some comics was no longer just fiction but a reality. Her reality. And it scared her to death. Because all those aliens, all those episodes with more or less happy endings were now real. Everything she knew about this world, past, present, and future was something she had to keep secret and protect with her very life.

She wasn't even sure if she could trust the Doctor with her knowledge. The worst-case scenario, she thought, might not be her own death, but rather confinement, isolation, or even having her memory wiped. What would she be without them? No, it was something she had to hide until she decided if it was completely safe for her to share what she knew with him.

But for now, it wasn't a priority. According to Jackie, a night when her nerves gave out; it had only been three months since Rose had gone missing. Rose and the Doctor wouldn't be back for at least nine months.

Nine months. There was plenty of time for Alvia to create some kind of identity and start a new life. After that... Well, she would adjust.


At first, it was relatively easy for Alvia to live in this new world. She had a roof over her head and someone who cared for her, which helped a lot. However, the harsh reality of this new life hit her hard. The language barrier was a constant challenge. Alvia worked on her communication skills every day, reminding herself that Jackie and the residents of the Powell Estate did not speak French. She often encountered confused faces, struggling to understand each other. The slang and everyday words that differed from what she had learned or knew in the future were the most difficult aspects for Alvia to grasp.

Then came the nostalgia. Alvia missed everything from her home and family to the technology of 2023 and pop culture. She longed for the nights spent with her online friends, engaging in nonsensical debates on vocal discord. She missed playing games on her laptop, watching movies and series, or simply listening to music on YouTube. The void in her daily life was palpable, despite having her phone and a pair of spare headphones in her bag to keep her distracted for hours.

Alvia realised that time travel was only enjoyable when you visited a specific period as a new destination. Experiencing it in reality was vastly different. She wondered if this was how the victims of the weeping angels felt – mourning the future and present that had been stolen from them, reminiscing about a period as the "good old days."

The most challenging part for Alvia was figuring out how to spend the nine months without going to school again due to her age. While she felt fortunate in some ways, not having a qualification made it difficult for her to find a decent job with a good salary. As a result, Alvia found herself frequently changing jobs, until Jackie eventually stepped in to help. She ended up working at the local butcher's shop.

Surprisingly, it wasn't so bad. The owner of the butcher's business, Mr. Adler, was an open-minded man with a playful sense of humor. Despite the tiring work at times, there was always laughter and music in the air. Mr. Adler was a big music fan and loathed working in silence. The butcher's shop was often filled with the latest songs from the radio or music CDs, with Alvia sometimes suggesting her own favorite styles of music that were quite different from what Mr. Adler typically listened to. She even managed to acquire a CD of a band she grew up with, which she found by chance in a music shop.

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