Act IV

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Without you realising, Atsushi had woken up. He only caught your attention when the phone rang.

Whatever the conversation was, whoever it was with, it caused Atsushi to jump up and start changing. In his hurry, he didn't even notice you were there.

When he was done, he grabbed you by the wrist and ran out the house with you. It filled you with panic, the way you were being touched. Nobody had ever dared touch you, apart from your brother. Even when using your brother's ability on someone, you never actually made skin contact with them.

Eventually, your panic was broken when the hand was lifted. You found yourself stood in front of Dazai, who was stuck. Atsushi was struggling to get him out. Mindlessly, you kicked the metal drum over, and watched as he tumbled out.

It took you a few seconds, but you eventually found your voice. "How did you even..? Nevermind. I don't think I want to know."

Atsushi stared at Dazai in confusion, "Why didn't you ask someone else in the agency for help?"

Dazai looked back at him with the same expression.

"I did. What do you suppose they said when I informed them 'I am going to die'?"

You couldn't help but sigh, "did they congratulate you or something?"

"Precisely that!"

The white haired boy scratched his head. You couldn't help but see the resemblance to a cat.

Ignoring the conversation, you got lost in random thoughts again. Only to freeze up when you heard Kunikida yelling again.

"Aha! There you are! You sorry waste of good bandages!"

Out of curiosity, you looked at the bandages around Dazai's neck. Surprisingly, they were in a rather good state. But they looked at least a few days old. Probably stank too, but you didn't want to smell Dazai anyway.

"I am unsure I care for that appellation, Kunikida-kun..." Dazai looked a little hurt, bringing a hand up to his face.

"Why are you sauntering out on the streets in this emergency?! Off with you, right now!"

"You are full of pep this morning, eh? All that shouting will make your body secrete harmful toxins that cause hemorrhoids!"

Kunikida's face instantly fell in shock. It caused a foreign emotion to fester inside of you, so you slowly brought a hand up to his head... And patted it. Your brother's ability was coursing through you, and you used it to decrease the shock. His face immediately fell into a calm expression. It filled you with relief, knowing you wouldn't have to face a screaming match.

Atsushi had been watching the chaos ensue, and finally decided to stop it.
"So... Ah, what was the emergency?"

The blond man's face lit up in urgency. "Ah, right! Get to the agency! I need all the hands I can get!"

Dazai looked up at Kunikida in confusion.

"What for?"

"There's a mad bomber... He's holed up in the agency with a hostage!"

The news came as a shock to all of you. Quickly, you four ran to the agency building, and entered the office.

A young man was sat on a desk, above a school girl.

"I can't take it... I can't take it any more... This is all their fault... The Armed Detective Agency's fault! WHERE'S THE BOSS?! GET HIM OUT HERE NOW! Or else... I'LL BLOW MYSELF AND ALL OF YOU TO SMITHEREENS!"
He yelled out, gripping the frightened girl tighter.

 NIHILISM • bsd x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now