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~ 1,008 AD ~

"Come on Bekah, Henrick, let's go see Kol and Nikkie take on Elijah." Hecate giggled, linking arms with her best friend and Bekah's little brother who was like her own younger brother. Rebekah smiled indulgently at her blonde best and only friend while Henrick bounced on the other side of Hecate feeding off of her exuberant energy. The trio arrived just in time to watch Kol and Nik take on Elijah who thought he was winning only for Kol and Nik to beat him with exuberant laughs tumbling from their throats.

"Go Kol and Nikkie!" The trio cheered earning bright smiles from Kol and Niklaus while a frown appeared on Elijah's face; however, the happy smiles quickly faded when they heard the angry yell of Mikael as he stormed over to Nik ignoring Kol and Elijah who had also been sparring.
"What do you think you're playing at boy!?" Mikael spat with barely restrained fury and a look of disgust on his face directed at his blonde-haired 'son'.
"We were just having fun, father." Niklaus replied meekly, shaking his head minutely at Kol, Rebekah and Hecate.

Nik, Kol and Rebekah were the only ones in the Mikaelson family to know that Hecate Rosewood, Niklaus' betrothed and Kol and Bekah's best friend was in actual fact the Triple Goddess of the Moon. It was a heritage passed down through her mother's side of the family where they gained their full powers once they were of age, and as Hecate's birthday was soon, she would soon be of age. However, they didn't want the rest of their family to find out as they dreaded to think what their mother and father would do with this information, and Elijah and Finn were constantly at loggerheads as they fought over a brunette woman named Tatiana, despite the fact that the woman bullied Rebekah and Hecate.

They had a feeling that if either Elijah or Finn found out they would inform Tatiana who would try and use Cate for her own gain which they wanted to avoid at all costs. Once Esther, so-called mother to Niklaus, Rebekah and Kol finally called Mikael off, Hecate rushed over to her betrothed checking him over for injury as she crouched down beside him while Kol and Rebekah shouted at their mother.
"Niklaus shouldn't antagonise him then this wouldn't happen." Esther scoffed over her children's protests.
"And if you were any sort of mother you wouldn't let this happen to your children!" Hecate shouted at the woman.
"Mind your words child or you may just live to regret them!" Esther threatened before she stalked off with Elijah on one arm and dragged Henrick with the other.

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