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"DAZAI, DO YOUR PAPERWORK YOU ARE SO BEHIND!"said a loud ex-math teacher.

Dazai laughed rolled his eyes and started "working".(he's talking to Chuuya throught messages; hes asking how life is at home alone healing)

After a few hours Dazai felt somebody messing with his collar.When he turned around he saw Ranpo looking at the necklance he was hiding.

"Why are you hiding a necklance with a ring?"asked the detective."Are you perhaps...MARRIED"

At that lastword the whole office turned to look at an awkard smiled Dazai and a shocked Ranpo.

"Do you have proof that he's married. Not that you're wrong but its hard to belive"said Yosano.

Then Ranpo lifted Dazai by his collar from his chair and showed the necklance with the ring to everybody. The people there were speechless.

Suddenly a knock was heard. Atsushi opened the door and saw Chuuya Nakahara the Port Mafia executive with a bag?

"Is Dazai here?" asked the port mafia executive.

"Um...Yes"said Atsushi confused"I mean he can handle you better than any of us here anyway"he muttered.

A drop sound was heard and everyone turned their heads towards the noise.There they saw an annoyed Chuuya.

"What the hell is happening here?! Why is everybody cornering that MACKREL"

Chuuya shoved Kunikida aside and when he saw that they found Dazais ring he froze. He quickly composed himself as he signed to the bag that had he came with. Than he left in a hurry.

Dazais coworkers tried to stop him from going up to the bag but failed miseribly. When he saw what the bag contained he smiled warmly. Chuuya brught him lunch...Unfortunatley it didn't go unoticed by Ranpo.

"He brought you something didn't he?said the detective."Maybe lunch?"he continued."He seamed mad when he saw the fact that we found your ring.He also had a visible ring mark on his finger which means that he removed it not long ago because he was trying to hide it.He was also wearing one of your favorite parfumes. Besides even the way the bandages were wrapped were 100% the way you do them. In conclusion we just found the person you're married to. And i hope you don't think i didn't notice that spark you had in your eyes when you saw Chuuya Nakahara."

"Well damn,Ranpo. You never go in that much detail in cases!"exclaimed Yosano.

"You're married to Mr. Cool hat."said Kenji whit sparkles in his eyes.


The four eyed blonde was interrupted by a knock. 'Saved' tought Dazai. Just as he was about to say something to the person behind the door he got yaked over their sholder. The person started running out the building. Dazai got a closer look to the eyes of the stranger he realized it was his husband. He wasn't very surprised tho.

"You look hot in a hood and a mask"complimented Dazai."Where are we going?"


How the ADA and PM found out about married SoukokuWhere stories live. Discover now