75. Morning sick, Seasick, Lovesick

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Rieka was sea sick as they sailed away. She didnt know where they were going and didnt think to ask, just far, far away.

Petyr came up behind her and kissed along her neck. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back into him.

"Morning sickness..." Rieka whispered. "Do you have more of those-" He kissed her again as he pulled out the candied gingers. "I love you more and more." She popped one in her mouth. "You know it wasnt this hard for Robbie, it was just bam, baby."

"Bam baby." Petyr repeated kissing her cheek.

"I'm really excited for this baby dont get me wrong but... this is hard." Rieka offered.

"You are strong." Petyr assured. "You have the power of the wolf in you."

Sansa watched them, she couldnt help but think that they really were perfect together. She wondered if she would ever find someone that made her smile like Petyr made Rieka smile.

"So where are we going?"

"Should we look at the map then close our eyes wave a finger around?" she remarked the big smile on her face. 

The morning sickness and passed and now it was the seasickness that was taking over Sansa. Robbie was the man. The little man. He commanded the seas. He followed their captain around yelling a ahoy there maytee! And Savvy! Savvy!

"Wheres the rum!" It should be known that little Robbie did not know what Rum was but their captain declared for rum so often that Robbie thought it was some thing magical and spectacular.

"No!" Rieka corrected pointing a finger at him. " you are too little for rum.''

"Where is the rum mama?" Robbie laughed out

"You're not even three yet you don't get rum yet." Rieka laughed out.

And if it wasn't rum it was something else more scandalous and considering Robbie lived in a whorehouse for his first few months of life and often visited when Rieka had things to do in the capital and didn't want to bring her son near the lannisters- but this was a fresh start. They were going to be starting fresh across the sea and she was so excited to do so she didn't want her son to have the mouth of a sailor of a pirate by the time they got there.

"Captain Jack sparrow I would appreciate if you would not speak such ways around my son. I don't need him talking about whores and rum and tits." Rieka shouted.

"I'm sorry little lady but that's just-"

"my son is not a pirate he's going to be a good well mannered little boy,'' she sassed. "And I'm not little in fact I'm rather large and hormonal." She reminded him as she placed a hand on her pregnant stomach. 

"Don't make mama mad.'' Robbie decided as he wagged her finger at Jack before sticking his thumb in his mouth

"That's right don't make mama mad." Petyr agreed.


Rieka lay beside Petyr as the waves rocked them to sleep. Robbie splayed out beside them. Little arms and legs punching them in his sleep.

" What are we gonna do? When we get there?" Rieka questioned softly. 

"Anything you want. Have a baby get a place by the water if you want. We can teach lil Robbie to swim to read and write did you more words than rum and pirate." Petyr offered and she laughed out before silencing herself and his chest.

" yes let's definitely start with his language. He can be refined and eloquent... I don't know that I use that word correctly." she realized again muffling her laughter into his chest.

There was one room on the ship if you could even called a room well technically two; the captains quarters and a secondary supposed to be for the co captain but considering it was Petyrs coin exclusively getting them across the narrow sea he basically bought the whole thing out pretty much and he made sure that they would get a room private from the rest of the crew. 

Avalon guarded the door at night because there was not enough room on the feather bed for her. But considering there was not a third room petyr and rieka shared a little bed with robbie and then sansa had her own bed but in their room. Rieka wasnt about to let Sansa sleep with the riff raff. 

 Once robbie was fast asleep petyr or rieka would transfer robbie to a secondary feather bed beside them and Petyr would pull Rieka closer. 

Sansa lay and pretended to sleep while petyr and rieka whispered sweet nothings. It was sweet. It was so sweet. It made her love sick. It made her wonder if there was someone for everyone. Maybe her person was across the narrow sea.

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