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Next morning

Advik was talking to someone on his phone when khushi woke up. When he noticed her he immediately finished the call and turned towards her.

She was sitting on the bed when he went towards the bed he noticed she was doing morning prayer which he had already done after waking up.

Khushi was looking towards both of her hands palms while saying the mantra in sanskrit -
     Karagre baste laksmi (while looking towards her fingers tips)
Karmule saraswati (while looking in between the of both hands )
Karmadhye tu Govida (while looking towards  palms of her hands )

Pravhati kr Darshnam namah.

Then she rubbed both of her hand and put them on her eyes.

Then she turned her face toward the floor of their room joined both of her hands and chant the mantra -

  Smudra basini Devi, parvat Stan maditah
Visnu patani namahstubhyam padh saparshakhsmasav.

She then bow down to dhrati maa while touching the floor with her hands from the bed while her both legs were on the bed . After that she put her right foot first on the ground then the left foot.

After doing all these she turned towards the her husband who is looking at her amused. She then realised she did the floor stut from the bed in front of him. She turned red while thinking about the whole incident.

Then he came towards her and said I want to say something to you and its important.

Saying this he hold her hand and start walking towards their sofa making her sit on the seats he sat on the floor while holding her hands.

Then he start speaking and whole atmosphere turned serious suddenly. She was looking at his face. She was stunned about the sudden revelation . She doesn't know what to say even after he told her everything .

He was looking at her face. He has expected that reaction from her. So he told her to think what she wants to do about it.

She then asked him why didn't he told her about this earlier before their marriage.

He told her because he can't do that. It's against the agreement he signed. He told her that only after their marriage he can tell her about it and he loved her(referring to someone) too much to break his promises with her. He can't do that but he trusted khushi that's why he told her about the agreement now.

She doesn't know what to say that time then suddenly Advik's phone ringed. It was his mother's call. She told him that they have to reach home(Mumbai ) today because his grandmother is not well. She fainted today morning her doctor told that she has high BP problem because of her negligence to her health .

(introducing new character amma grandmother of Advik. He loves her very much. They both have different bond together. )

She also told him to get ready and go to khushi's parents home for pag- pehre ki rasam. Then directly come to the airport they will directly meet both of them there. She ask him to not to be worried about their luggage  the workers will pack their luggage and sent them to the airport.

After she cut the call he informed khushi about all incident. They both got ready and went to her parents home. They all were very happy after meeting their daamad. Khushi was sitting their and looking at them in disbelief. Like how can they treat her like that.

After their cute nok - jhok in which Advik kept quiet only talking when someone ask him something .

They noticed his mood and tried to cheer him up. He noticed their behaviour and showed them he was happy and nothing happened to not to make them worried . But they know how much  worried and afraid he was for his amma (grandma).

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