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Night. Rain. Wind. Huffing and puffing while soaked and running down a dark street away from my current residence. I wouldn't even call it my home; more like a prison. 

Did I know where I was running off to? 


Did I know where I was?

Yes and no.

I've never been on this street before, but I did have my phone with me to track where I was going. I was using the gps to direct myself towards my friends car that she parked blocks away. I couldn't risk him seeing her or the getaway car or it would've been too dangerous for her. 

I'm running down the street soaked from the pouring rain, phone in hand trying to run away from my past. As I'm running, I hear my name being shouted and footsteps behind me. I turn around while running and that's when I see him. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

I spin around and sprint faster than before to get to my friends vehicle so she wouldn't think there was something wrong. And so he wouldn't be able to catch me and drag me back to that hellhole. 

Due to the rain, the sidewalk and streets were slippery and wet. I didn't consider that fact and next thing I know, I slip and fall while also hitting my head on the hard concrete. I open my eyes seconds later and I find him standing over top of me with a devilish smile on his face. I knew I was in trouble for my disobeying actions.

He tugs at my arm and hoists me up onto my feet. He leans into my face and snarls, "I thought I told you the rules. Disobeying me is going to have big consequences."

I look into his eyes and see the past punishments I had to endure because of me violating his rules. I couldn't go back there. I couldn't go back to the punishments. I couldn't go back to that awful place. I knew right there and then that it was now or never. 

I quickly bring my knee up, and knee him in the crotch. He lets go of my arm and bends over holding his crotch. He lets out a variety of curses while I make a run for it. I dash down further away from him while he's still bent over. 

"Autumn! Get your ass back over here", he shouts, "I'm not over with you yet." 

I hear him start to jog to try and catch up to me. I make it to the end of the street and quickly turn the corner to run to my friend, Paris's car. 

While still living with him, I wasn't able to communicate with anyone. Not even my friends or family. He would watch over me with a close eye and make sure I never contacted anyone to inform them of my situation. I was able to purchase a second phone recently, with my saved money, to use to contact Paris. 

I informed her of my situation and his actions, and she told me I had to get out of there quickly. We made a plan:

One night I was going to go to sleep early and pack all of my belongings, so I would be able to escape. I would hide that bag, so he wouldn't be able to figure out my plan of escaping his hold. I would lay awake and wait for him to come to sleep in bed. After a good 10 minutes, I would get up and grab my bag, making my way towards the door. I would put on my shoes and jacket and leave without letting him know that I left for good. I would walk a couple blocks away to Paris's car, and we would make it back to her small town. We would lay low for a week or two just in case he filed missing reports, but after we would live our lives normally. I would be able to get a job again, and not live in hiding anymore. 

While living with him, he would make me stay inside and not come out because he told me it was too dangerous. But in reality, he just didn't want me to leave him. He wanted me to himself. He wanted to treat me however he fucking wanted. I never had a say in anything, and I aways had to agree with whatever he said. 

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