Moving on

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I stir awake to a jolt. I open my eyes to find myself in a car that's not familiar to me. I look to my left and see my friend Paris in the drivers seat. She's focused on the road and the vehicles surrounding us. 

I bring my seat up after lowering it while I slept. I look around to find different trees and buildings. The buildings are all lined up evenly and are cozy sitting next to each other. We must have just reached Paris's town because I see signs of shops around us that she mentioned to me through our texts. We must have been driving for awhile because the sun is just coming up introducing the beginning of the day. 

Paris must have seen me waking up because she starts to talk, "You've slept the whole ride here and I didn't want to wake you because you looked like you needed the sleep. You looked so calm and as if you had nothing to worry about."

"I actually did need that sleep. It's the best sleep I've had in the longest time.", I said. 

"I'm glad.", Paris replied. "I'm so happy you're here and away from that God awful person. I've missed you and being able to talk to you about everything."

"I'm glad I got away, too. I'm also so grateful for you being able to help me get away.", I stated. "I've missed you so much. I've missed everything about you, especially you're warm hugs. I love you and thank you for everything."

"I love you, too. But don't thank me, because if I had to, I would've stormed in there and got you out myself."

I smiled knowing that wouldn't have happened. Paris has a good heart, but I wouldn't have let her come near that house or the owner, if it meant putting her in danger. I couldn't risk her being near him and his fucking temper. 

Him. The one who's been hurting me for the past four years or so. The one who made me cut contact with everyone I knew. The one who shut me out from the outside world. The one who was chasing me last night. Someone who has hurt me so much, that I will not trust anyone, especially men, as easily as before. 

"We'll be arriving in just a few minutes.", Paris stated. "You're gonna love my place so much. I've been decorating it for some time now, and I finally finished it." 

"I'm sure it looks amazing. You've always had an eye for such things."

Paris Jameson. My best friend in the whole world. My only friend actually. I've known her since the fifth grade. We both went to elementary school together and have been in the same classes. We may not have had all classes together in high school, but we were always able to hang out with each other during lunch. She's the person who I could tell anything to and the one who I spent all my time with years ago. She's been by my side through everything since we've met, and I've been by hers as well, until I wasn't. 

Around four years ago was when my phone broke and all of my contacts and data were erased from my phone. I knew my parents and Paris's phone number off by heart, but I never had enough money to buy myself a new phone and there were no phones around me to call. I wasn't even able to use a pay phone because I didn't have a job. 

Recently, I've been getting enough cash to buy a phone. Three months ago, whenever I was alone at home, envelopes with my name showed up every Saturday. The first envelope I received contained $250 in cash along with a note. The writing was written in perfect cursive. It read:

Dear Autumn,

          I know what's happening in your life right now, and I don't think it's a good idea to stay with him. Use this money I've given you to save up for a phone and get the hell out of there. Your family misses you and you deserve to live freely instead of in fear. I will be sending you more envelopes with cash every Saturday until I see you buy a phone and contact a loved one. Make sure to hide this new phone and not let him see you with it. 

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