Settling In

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We pull into a parking lot behind an apartment complex, with each complex having at least five floors. The buildings are a calm green colour with a black roof to pull it all together. There are three apartment buildings that form a square with the fourth side being open to the road. The parking lot is found in the middle of these apartment buildings for easy access. 

Paris pulls into her parking spot and kills the engine. She removes the key from the slot, and she turns towards me saying, "We've finally arrived. Let's get you upstairs so you can settle in."

We both exit the Buick while Paris locks and double locks her vehicle. I follow Paris' lead when entering the apartment building on the left side because I've never been here before. We walk through the entrance door, and she leads me towards the elevators. She presses the button and the elevator doors open up. We step into the elevator and she presses the button with the 2 on it, which I'm guessing stands for the second floor. 

The elevator starts to move, and that's when I remember; I am not a fan of elevators. I always refused to take the elevator when I lived with my parents. They lived in an apartment building with a rickety old elevator that scared the shit out of me. The first time I used it, I knew it wasn't the best, but I still decided to use it until my third time. The time I got stuck in it and had to call for help. I waited in that closed space for 30 minutes before I was let out. I'm not claustrophobic or anything, it's just that the elevator was not supported by stable cables and I was afraid I'd drop and plummet to my death. That day I decided that I would use the stairs instead of the elevator unless it was absolutely necessary. 

We finally arrived on Paris's floor and we exited the lift. It wasn't a bad ride, but I know I'll be using the stars from now on. If I have to get stuck on an elevator again, I will literally lock myself in Paris' apartment and never leave. 

We walk down the hallway until we reach a brown door with a silver 7 on it. On the ground, you can find a colourful welcome mat that just screams Paris. Paris takes her keys out of her pocket and inserts a key into the lock. She twists the key and I hear a click. She opens the door while also removing the key. She steps into her home and turns around to face me.

Paris spreads her arms out while saying, "Welcome to my home!" 

I step into her apartment and am met with the sweet smell of cinnamon. I proceed to take off my shoes and place them next to hers. While I'm closing the front door, I notice a closet to my left, which must be filled with Paris's coats and shoes.

Paris saw me eyeing the closet and proceeds to speak while opening the closet, "It's filled with my winter coats and boots. All of my heels are in the closet in my room though. There's also hats, mitts, scarves and umbrellas in there. Whenever you need anything, just take it. Mi casa es tu casa. Make yourself comfortable."

Paris is closing the closet as I'm just turning around, when I hear something pattering down the hall. Next thing I know, I see a golden creature charging towards me. They quickly stop at my feet and start sniffing me while I just stand there. I notice it's a golden retriever and that they just reach below my hips. My hand reaches towards their head and I start to pet them. 

I glance up at Paris while saying, "You never told me you had a roommate." 

"This is Doug. The only man I need in my life right now.", Paris replies. "He may look like the biggest baby, but he's like 10 years old."

"Awwww. What a cutie", I reply with the biggest smile plastering itself on my face.

"Well let me show you the rest of the place before Dougie here steals all your attention."

Paris starts to walk down the hallway, with me following her and Doug behind me. At the end of the hall, there's the kitchen towards the right. The navy blue shelves are lined against the wall in an L pattern, while a white, rectangular, marble island is located in the middle. The island has 4 black stools placed along the side that opens up towards the living room. The living room has a couch against the wall with a clear coffee table in front of it. The coffee table is filled with decorations and a vase with tulips. Across the couch, against the other wall, is a T.V. on an entertainment cabinet. The navy blue shelves are filled with books and dvd's, while the cabinets are closed, not allowing me to see what's in them. 

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