It's not so hard

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It's not so hard.
It's not so hard to pick up the pills
It's not so hard to plop those pills in my mouth
It's not so hard to swallow those disgusting pills
It's not so hard to grab the knife
It's not so hard to draw lines with that pointy edge
It's not so hard to make blood run off the blade and my body
It's not so hard to tie that rope
It's not so hard to pull myself up on the rope
It's not so hard to jump with that rope around my throat
It's not so hard to get in a car
It's not so hard to drive that car off into a lake
It's not so hard to let myself drown in that car
It's not so hard to find a bridge
It's not so hard to climb on top of the bridge
It's not so hard to take a leap
Just like
It's not so hard to love me
It's not so hard to hold me
It's not so hard to care for me
It's not so hard to be there for me
It's really not so hard.

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