falling asleep in her arms

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"I've missed you so much," Ruka said to you as she brushed her fingers through your hair,

You were curled up in bed together, watching a movie as you lay contentedly and talked about whatever came to mind.

You held each other's hands and stole a few kisses, just enjoying your quality time together for the first time in quite a while.

"I've missed you too." You said before softly kissing her cheek, making a smile pull at her lips.

It's been a long week and Ruka was so stressed before she came home to you but now, she feels better than she has in quite some time as she finally gets to lay with you and hold you tight in her arms.

You stared at her rather than at the tv as the film continued to play and as your gaze on her lingered, she found herself grinning before looking at you, too.

"Hi, sweet girl." She smiled. "What are you staring at me for?"

"I just love you and think you're the prettiest girl in the whole world."

She chuckled and began to play with your hair again.

"No, I think you are, baby."

You shared another kiss before laying your head on her chest, listening to the sound of her heartbeat.

"What time is it?"

"A little after ten," Ruka said after looking at the time.

"I'm sleepy already." You spoke. "It's been a long day and I feel so warm and content here with you. I don't want to fall asleep yet though."

"Darling, if you're tired then go to sleep. It's alright, I don't mind."

"No, we don't get too much time together these days. I'll stay awake, I'll be fine." You insisted.

Ruka let out a long sigh but didn't argue with you.

She's missed you too much to do that.

She decided to just lay there in the comfortable silence that lingered in the air and play with your hair.

But that was making you feel sleepier as you felt so content and so cozy.

"Ruka," You mumbled as you fought hard to keep your heavy eyes open. "You're making me sleepy, baby."

"Am I? I'm sorry."

"You're playing with my hair. It's relaxing." You said sleepily, making Ruka smile.


"Not good. You're going to make me fall asleep."

"That's okay. If you fall asleep soon, I should get home early tomorrow, so we'll get more time together then."

You didn't want to fall asleep.

But it was so hard to stay awake.

And knowing that you'd have some time together tomorrow evening made you feel a little better about probably falling asleep now.

So you let your tired eyes slip shut as Ruka continued to play with your hair and peppered kisses across your head.

"I love you so much." You spoke and she smiled from ear to ear before repeating the words back to you.

"Get some rest, my love." She said as she watched you fall asleep. "We've both had long days. You deserve some sleep."

And just like that, you drifted off to sleep.

Ruka held you a little tighter and a little closer, keeping you wrapped in her warm embrace as you slept soundly.

"Sleep tight, my love. I love you so much." She said as she kissed your head.

Laying her head on yours, she listened to you breathe and watched you sleep until she found her own heavy eyes closing.

She fell asleep soon after you did and the whole time, as you both slept, she kept you in her arms; right where you belonged.

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