At Her Mercy | Tech x Medic!OC (MERCY)

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To my lil sis, since you begged for me to write you something.

Also, to all the broken hearted peeps after the Bad Batch finale. This one's for you, too.

18 BBY, Eriadu City, Eriadu

Mercy scanned another set of insurance files, wishing the day would just end already. Dealing with the supervisor, Dr. Rea, had made her done with the day really before it began in the first place. 

"Are you done filing the insurance documents?" Dr. Rea's voice said behind Mercy, making her tense. 

Turning on her heel, Mercy waved the tablet in front of her. "Scanning and filing now."

"Don't forget to lock up when you're done," Dr. Rea said, her slick, dark hair looking waxy from all the product she used. 

Mercy furrowed her brows. Wasn't that her job? The supervisor? "Alright," Mercy said, shrugging as if it didn't bother her, but HR would definitely hear about this. Tomorrow. 

Once Dr. Rea left for the day, Mercy struggled to make it through the large pile of paper work. Why didn't they just switch to all digital like most other urgent care facilities? Upgrading was something they were not urgent about at the South Eriadu City Urgent Care. 

At this point, they weren't even in Eriadu City, rather in the outskirts. And Mercy lived even further out, in the woods. And that was where she wanted to be. Right now. Not filing insurance documents. 

Finally, she finished up and turned off the lights, locking up. Usually, she'd do a final sweep for cleanliness sake, but she was that tired and wished she could just warp to her bed. But alas, they hadn't invented human warp drives yet. 

Mercy unlocked her silver shuttle car, locking it shut immediately before starting the ignition. After adjusting her pink loth-cat bobble head, she flew the car out of the dark parking lot and down the empty highway. 

Twenty minutes passed along with the twenty-thousand trees and she was finally nearing her home. But she noticed fire and smoke in the direction of Raven's Peak, an Imperial base. It had to be a few miles to the West, but whatever happened there was big enough to be seen from below trees. 

Turning off the highway, she pulled down one of the many windy roads that led home, before reaching her own abode a few minutes later. She got out of her car quickly, locking it behind her to go inside her house.

The hairs stood up on the back of her neck as if someone was watching her. She was just being paranoid, right? Because of the fires. Fires and Imperial Bases were never good mixes and usually meant rebel activity, but they wouldn't be out here. Right?

Shaking off the feeling, Mercy entered her home, turning the lights back on. A cool breeze hit her face which made her pause in her steps. She didn't leave any windows open today. It was way too cold for her even at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. She pocketed her keys, grabbing her taser off of the entry bookshelf, trying to walk through her house normally. She didn't want whoever was in her house to know she knew they were here. 

Blowing her bangs from her face, she entered her bedroom, nonchalantly looking around at any possible hiding spots. No one. Maybe whoever started the fire at the Imperial Base at Raven's Peak left her house already. 

But then she heard a creak. Her fingers tightened around the taser as she took a deep breath. They were still here. In her hallway. Trying to make their escape. Not today. Maybe if she caught this person, she'd get a promotion so she could fire Dr. Rea.

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