Priority | Tech x Pilot!OC (LEZLI)

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I originally wrote this piece because my first BB crush was Tech and I ended up making up my own character, Byrns, to be a character in my original sci-fi series so that I could write about it, lol. But, I guess since it's a safe place, I can replace Byrns with Tech now. 

Fair warning, Lezli is a bit annoying. LOL. And it's a different format than what you're used to from my writing. I wrote this when I was writing first person POV, present tense. I definitely write a stronger third person, past tense story. AND it's an older piece. It's from February of 2023 (almost a year ago), and I'm cringing at the writing. I learned a LOT since then. Since editing my historical fiction book. So... Anyway. Here it is. 

I sit beside him, watching his every move. So calculating. So focused. Tech doesn't notice me staring. After what had happened, I would have thought perhaps he would have made sure I was alright. My face forms a sneer, distaste entering my mouth.

"Why are you upset?" Tech asks suddenly. I snap my eyes up to meet his brown ones. He had set his datapad away, his eyes meeting mine. He leans on the console of the ship, tilting his head to look at me from a different angle. "Lezli, what is the matter?"

"A lot of things," I huff, twisting my chair to face the console and away from him. I see his form do the same from my peripheral. My heart drops. I just want him to comfort me. I want someone to comfort me. I don't care who. We almost died and are now sitting here doing nothing.

He clicks away on his tech again. "Care to divulge?" My head snaps in his direction. Is he serious right now? He doesn't actually care. Tech sits there not even looking at me. Does he even care about me? All hope I had built up about our friendship or even something more goes down the drain.

"Not that you care," I snap, tapping my fingers on the arms of my chair before crossing my arms in an effort to comfort myself. Images of the snake-like creature barreling toward us are embedded into my sight.

Tech tosses his datapad back onto the console, spinning his chair to face mine. "I do care and you're obviously upset," he states, matter-of-factly. "What is troubling you?"

"You are!" I finally cave, standing up abruptly which sends my chair into a tailspin. Tech is taken aback. Before he can recover, I stride off the main deck into the hangar. Knocking over a chair in my stumbling, I throw open the hatch, climb the ladder, and slam it shut. The ocean wind blew, its scent pleasant to me. I take a deep breath in an effort to calm myself, carefully gliding across the top of the ship. I choose a spot to sit right by the radar so I can get a little shade. When will we reunite with the others? I miss Hunter and Wrecker... I even miss Crosshair's scowling. At least they would be caring enough to ask me if I'm alright. But I'm stuck with stupid Tech and his tech babies so I'm third-wheeling this mission. I let out a shaky breath, laughing to myself when I thought maybe I could get to know Tech better so that maybe... I scoff. Well, at least I discovered we would never be compatible. Not even as friends.

"What have I done, Lezli?" His voice is like scraping metal in my ears. So tactical with his words. Without compassion. He sits down beside me, watching the waves splash against the rocks, his cropped auburn hair tossing in the wind.

I turn away, pulling my knees to my chin. "It's what you haven't done, Tech." I pause, feeling the tears rising. "This whole time we've been back on the overworld you've poured into your tech and haven't even asked me if I'm okay."

Tech is taken aback. Again. "But I knew you were alright," he states firmly, pulling out his stupid datapad. "I've been checking your vitals every so often to make sure there were no lasting effects from the little escapade underground."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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