Rendezvous | Rex x Handmaiden!OC (REINA)

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To the ones who cry out for love but don't have the words to say it. 

During the Clone Wars, Coruscant

Captain Rex waited, tapping his foot impatiently as the breeze lifted the balcony's curtains. He hated waiting for General Skywalker on his visits with the Senator. Even though he's faced many battles head on, adrenaline rushing through his veins with ease, this was something he hated to do. What if someone caught his general? What could he say? Rex wasn't one to throw his friends under the shuttle, but he hated the conflicting loyalties within him.

Graceful steps approached behind Rex and he knew at once who they belonged to. Rex kept his face forward, trying not to smile or look her way, but it was almost impossible. Her presence almost demanded his attention. "Hello, Reina," Rex said, voice low as the night sounds rose to his ears. He didn't have to look at her to know that she was smiling. 

"Hello, Captain," her soft voice replied at his side as she stepped into line beside him. Rex finally turned to look at her, wishing he wasn't wearing his helmet so he could see her face more clearly. Her brown skin glowed in the neon lights of the Coruscant life, dark eyes addressing the eternal skyline of the city. "Do you mind the company?"

"I never mind your company, Reina," Rex found himself saying boldly. It shocked him. Maybe his general was rubbing off on him. 

The woman beside him crossed her arms, her pale robes fluttering in the breeze. "Would you like to look out at the city with me?"

"Always," he said, offering his arm. Her slim fingers wound themselves around his plated arm as they glided across the floor to the balcony. One thing Rex would give the Senator was that she had taste in romantic architecture for this was reminiscent of her home in Naboo. 

They were left in silence as they watched the horizon. Reina's hands were still holding onto Rex and as the breeze cooled, she drew closer, almost hugging his arm. This wasn't the first time this happened. The two would often rendezvous whenever Skywalker and the Senator met up. Since Reina was Amidala's handmaiden and Rex was Anakin's captain, the two often drifted to each other like a wave to the shore. It used to just be polite conversations in the halls, but it turned to a quiet rest in each other's presence. But that left Rex wanting more. The brushed fingers and discreet glances weren't what he wanted. He wanted to show her his love for her in tender whispers and slow dances. He wished he could, but propriety stood in the way. To fall in love with his general's eloped-wife's handmaid didn't seem like the wisest move. Was he just mirroring General Skywalker? Rex had similar guidelines for attachments. None romantic, whatsoever. Not until the war was over, but when was that going to happen?

"I wish you'd take off your helmet," Reina's tender voice cut through the night. Rex looked down at her as the wind tossed her dark curls about her face. She met his gaze, eyes searching for his through his darkened visor. "I like seeing your face."

Rex's face warmed at her statement. Carefully removing his arm from her grasp, he slowly took off his helmet, feeling the nice breeze finally hit his sweaty face. Sounds seemed to amplify as the world turned brighter. He glanced at Reina who smiled softly at him. "Better?" he asked, tucking the helmet beneath his arm as he straightened his posture. 

"Much better," she replied, leaning on the balcony, playing with a chip in the stone. The silence settled once more between them, but it wasn't a bad kind of quiet. It was rejuvenating and peaceful. 

Rex remained silent, setting his helmet on the ledge, leaning on it with both arms crossed. He looked out at the dusky sky, mind unable to process what he was seeing. His mind was only on Reina. Should he talk? If so, what should he say? What was she thinking?

His thoughts were silenced as her hand snuck into his on his arm. His gaze snapped to hers as her fingers intertwined in his. "Reina," he started, voice choking in his throat. He was at a loss of words. 

"You don't need to say anything," she said, leaning closer to him until her head rested on his shoulder. "Can we just stay here?" she asked, voice shaking. Rex's attention was grabbed. What was worrying her?

"Are you okay?" he asked, positioning himself to face her better. 

Reina didn't look up. Instead she focused her attention on the horizon. "I just don't know when I'll see you again," was all she was able to force out. 

Rex squeezed her hand assuredly. "I know," he said, wrapping his other arm around her to embrace her. "But one thing is you always know where to find me." He sighed, letting out a breath he had been holding. "Our little rendezvous."

"Yes, our rendezvous," she repeated as if telling herself it would all be okay. And he knew it would. He had Anakin as a general. Rex would make it back to Reina as sure as Anakin making it back to his senator. As sure as the waves meeting the shore. 

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✧ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Thanks for reading! It's not the longest story, but it was an idea I wanted to jot down.

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