Too Soon | Hunter x Rylann AU

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Firstly, this includes characters from Miss the Mark (MTM), my Crosshair x OC fanfic.

Secondly, you don't have to read the MTM to read this. I tried to make it able to stand on its own, but I'm not the best at remembering that people can't read my mind.

Thirdly, this is an AU for MTM. I don't plan on killing Crosshair, so don't you fret (but we shall see hahaha). This is just an idea that if Cross died and if Hunter swooped in to comfort Rylann, eventually stealing her heart.

Happy sad reading.

18 BBY

A year was too long but still it went in a blink of an eye. The memories were still returning, but Rylann could recall that day vividly. Crosshair—her Cross—shooting her in the ear and the shoulder, causing the loss of her memory. Of him, of the Batch, of the Jedi...She could've stopped it, but she couldn't risk sending it back to him. She had sensed the turmoil within him—within the air. So much pain. Later, Hunter had informed her it was Order 66 and that Cross couldn't help it. Hunter promised he'd try to get him back for her.

Archer gurgled on the porch steps, snapping Rylann's attention to her son. Archer looked up at her, bright grey eyes smiling. Ry's heart sunk. Now that she remembered, she saw the resemblance of Cross in their child all the time. Archer's greyish-black hair, his long nose, his defined brows... Archer looked just like Cross. She had thought that Hunter was the father since he was the one who visited her the most on Erret, providing food and conversation. She had seen the similarities between Archer and Hunter, but when Hunter told her that it was Crosshair, her husband, that shot her due to the inhibitor chip, that was when the memories started to flow back.

"Come here, bubba," Rylann said, gesturing for her son to crawl over which he did immediately. That was one thing Archer was not like his father with. Her son actually listened and obeyed orders, and if she recalled correctly, her husband, Cross, was horrid at that.

Rylann scooped her son off of the porch floor, holding him close to her chest, closing her eyes as vivid memories of that day shot through her cranium like lightning. The hesitation and heavy regret that hung in the air as Rylann fell to her knees, saber dropping at her side. She hadn't seen his face since he had worn a helmet when the Order was issued.

Shaking it off, Rylann patted her son's back as the sound of a ship entered the vicinity. Rylann's heart raced. Only a few people knew of her cabin on Erret. It was either the Bad Batch, Rex, or Ahsoka.

Standing to her feet, she propped Archer onto her hip better, quickly making her way down the steps and around the house.

It was the Marauder. That meant that the boys needed a break, had news, or had Crosshair. Hope surged within Ry's heart. She prayed it was the latter.

Rylann's skirts whipped about her as she approached, shielding Archer's eyes in her shoulder. The wind died down as the exhaust of the ships hummed to a stop. The ramp came down and so did her friends—her family.

The Batch had left their helmets on board, though Hunter carried a box. Probably more gifts for Archer. Omega dawdled behind them, sending a soft wave to Rylann.

"Archie!" Wrecker yelled, barreling past Hunter and Tech to stand in front of Ry, his one working eye pleading to hold his nephew. "May I, Lanny?"

Rylann smiled genuinely, carefully placing the baby in Wrecker's arms. She loved to see the tough and strong Wrecker totally soften and be so gentle with Archer. He was a great uncle to him.

Omega dashed up to Rylann to show her a flower she found. "We got it off on our last mission for you." It was a large pink flower with a long stem. "Can I put it in your hair?" Omega asked, eyes large with pleading.

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