Chapter three

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Lai'me's POV.

I woke up next to sa'vip. She was snoring quietly. I sat up and got in my clothes. I walked out of the hotel room and walked outside.

When I got there, I spread my wings and flew up to my home

-small time skip-

As my feet hit my balcony, I smelled my house. Noone in it. Good. I walked into my door and sat on my chair, then made a phone call.

-time skip-

Sa'vips P.O.V.

I woke up, and lai'me was not there. Predictable. I sat up, looking around the room. I looked at the table to find a medium rectangular box. I get up and realize that I still have my pants on, but not the crotch.

"Ah shit, I forgot about that," I said, looking down at the hole lai'me made. I decided I am going to tell him he owes me new clothes. I walk over to the table to find not just a box, but a letter on top of it. I grab the letter and open it.


Dear Sa'vip,

I am sorry about your clothes, and me leaving you there. I had a great time with you and I would like to keep in touch. My number is [lai'me's number]. Also, you're welcome for the present.

-Goddex Lai'me


I looked at the letter, reading it over again. I also took a mental note of the phone number. I put down the letter, and opened the box, revealing new clothing, close to the ones i wore last night, but in different colors.

"This guy is adorable, I love them," I said out loud. So they don't have to pay me back. They already did. I start getting ready for the day.

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