Nine Years Ago

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"Oh, you are just the *prettiest* little kiscue. I bet you'd attract the attention of a Chevalier at your debutante ball."

The little kiscue scrunched her nose. "Papa, I don't wanna go to the ball."

Armand chuckled as he gently continued combing his daughter's hair. "What do you want, then, *ma petite cloche à sucre*?"

"I wanna be a merchant like you."

Armand paused, and then chuckled and shook his head as he continued his task. A child's whimsy, that's all it was.

"My dear, don't you want to be like your mother? Cared for, every available whim taken care of by her studs. It's a much easier life, letting your studs do the work."

"No," she said with a small pout. "I'm a big girl and can already take care of myself."

Before he could respond there was a short knock on the door before Vivian burst through, only a little tipsy.

"I'm baaack, sweetie," she gushed, grabbing Armand and trying to kiss him. He skillfully dodged her and she pouted. "Meanie."

"I'll be with you after I put Remy to bed."

Remy saw the look in her mother's eyes, a quick flash that most wouldn't have spotted.

"No, it's okay Papa, Mama needs you. I can put myself to bed."

The sickly sweet smirk on Vivian's face was evident. "What a good child. Come, my love, my bed calls to us."

Confident he was already behind her, she left. Armand gave Remy a sweet kiss goodnight before leaving, gently shutting the door.

Remy was determined to never be like her mother. It didn't matter what kind of society they lived in, subjugating anyone wasn't right, especially to her.


The next day the Chevaliers arrived in Heartvault in the early morning. Every prima in attendance was absolutely stunning, wearing vivid colors that matched their wings and their rank. The gatekeepers of Heartvault were more than happy to allow them in.

It was common for primas to tower over feras, especially smaller ones like the jerboa-like kiscues. Still, the smaller fae felt no threat as they led the Chevaliers through the village.

The Chevaliers wore colors based on their specialty. A Rouge Chevalier fights directly with the enemy. A Bleu Chevalier fights from the air; a Violet Chevalier is skilled in both kinds of combat. A Vert Chevalier heals. A Noir Chevalier is an assassin. An Orange Chevalier is an emissary. A Jaune Chevalier is an engineer. A Blanc Chevalier is a highly ranked officer that is also considered to be one step below the god E, Verlyn's warrior stud. Those who were in training to be a Blanc Chevalier were Gris Chevaliers.

The one Gris stood out among the Chevaliers. He looked very young, and his wings were as pitch black as his tightly braided hair and his eyes, contrasting against his pale skin.

This prima was tasked to approach the Sugarbells. Everyone was too busy getting ready to notice that the littlest one was missing, currently nibbling from a bowl of candied yams.Remy watched as the towering prima approached, hovering over her, his black eyes meeting hers in a prolonged, awkward stare.

The Gris gave her a soft, unimposing smile that would have probably worked on everyone else. For some reason, Remy couldn't get over the feeling inside of her, like something was wrong.

"Don't be frightened, little one. Verlyn protects every woman."

"Why not men?" she asked before she could stop herself.

Taken aback by such a question from one so young, his eyes widened before his features softened, a look not many had received.

"That is a discussion best held in Fenfold, the very capital of Faerie."

"Hm," was all she said. Not convinced, but also unable to inquire further because of her fear.

"What is your name little one? I am Ehron."

She wished that her family would be out soon. With a gulp she managed to reply, "Remy."Ehron felt drawn to her. His soft smile distorted just a bit into something more, his mask slipping as he leaned in further to whisper into her ear.

"Please, little Remy, remember me at your debutante ball. I have every belief that we will meet again."

Chills went up her spine as she stood up and backed away. The implications weren't lost on her, even as young as she was.

He raised his hand for her to take, but she hesitated to take it. The door to her home burst open, revealing her mother and eldest sister. They wore their finest apparel, easily outshining the little kit who wore only plain clothes. Only her little iridescent bat wings indicated that she was a Sugarbell

Their conversation had most likely alerted the two to the Gris's arrival, although the two women hadn't expected to find Remy under the Gris's attention.

Vivian put on tight smile, most likely summoning the willpower to not scold her youngest in front of the Chevalier. He was quickly invited inside, and before she could escape, he pulled Remy in with him.

"Gris Erness, how wonderful it is to *finally* meet you," Vivian gushed. "I've been hearing so much about you, you've become a Gris in such a short time. How did you do it?"Ehron simpered softly, taking a sip from his overly ornate teacup and sest it back down before answering.

"Well, like anything, dedication and hard work pay off handsomely, especially in Fenfold. My superior is handling business with your mayor while I make the rounds to the families and remind them of the annual debutante ball in Fenfold."

"Ah, yes, it's almost that time again," Vivian tittered, like she didn't have it written down in several places. "Speaking of, have you met Alma? She'll be attending this year. Sterling, her daddy, is an exceptional stud."

Ehron took a look at the young woman in question. She was dressed up as gaudy as her mother, nowhere near as simply modest as the girl he'd met outside the house.

Remy's jaw clenched at how Vivian mentioned Sterling, like he was a prized horse and not a kiscue deserving of basic civil rights. Alma noticed her sister's sour face and leaned over.

"Why don't you head on over to your room?" she whispered. "No one wants a sourpuss for company."

The prima watched as Remy scurried to her room, already missing her presence. Unlike the vapid pair in front of him, that little kiscue was a mystery to him, something begging to be explored.

He would definitely wait for her debut.

Vivian noticed, and nudged Alma. She leaned forward, offering the fancy teapot.

"More tea, Gris Erness?"

Ehron turned his attention back to the pair. He gave here a tight smile before declining. He stood, straightening his clothes.

"It's been delightful, but I have other houses I must visit before we head out. Have a wonderful debut, Miss Sugarbell.

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