Preparing for the Ball

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Liam stifled a sigh as he read the tedious works of an author he didn't care to remember. He flipped pages, but nothing was really getting into his head. After all, thoughts only of the kiscue he'd met the other night filled his head, taking up space for everything else.

Yuren, his tutor and his mother's go-between, entered. "How is your reading coming along?"

Liam gave a non-committal hum as he flipped another page.

"Her Highness has requested me to remind you that the debutante ball will be soon. She wants you on your best behavior, many noble princesses will be there this year."

His usual reaction was to roll his eyes, but he paused when an idea formed in his head.

"What if I want to marry beneath my status?"

The advisor was taken aback. "How far?"

Liam wracked his brain trying to remember what the Sugarbells did. "In a social position just below the mayor."

Yuren had to hold back a nervous giggle. "Below the mayor? I find that highly inadvisable, Your Highness."

"What would be the repercussions? Hypothetically."

Yuren thought about it for a moment, and then shrugged. "Your mother is really only concerned with daughters' choices in studs, not who her sons stud themselves out to. You would relinquish your title to wed yourself to a woman of reasonably lower status."

Liam nodded. "I am comfortable with that."

"You haven't worked a day in your life. You would be required to if you chose this path."

He just shrugged and went back to his book. "I'll be at the ball as my duties require."

Yuren cocked his head at the sudden abruptness but bowed and left.

It didn't matter to Liam if he had to work. He would do anything in his power to make Remy happy.


Remy went by train to Fenfold. There were quite a few other girls who had chosen to go, all of them fifteen. Every time the train stopped, more boarded, very few being sixteen or seventeen.

There was one, though, who boarded who stood out to her. She was a bunny-like lepus, tall for her kind but with a very cute little face. She had looked around and locked eyes on Remy instantly. She smiled and waved, as if waving to a long-lost friend.

The lepus bounded over to her and dropped right next to her in the seat.

"Well good afternoon, stranger, my name's Ophelia, but my friends call me Opie," she said, sticking out her hand. "Let's be friends."

Slightly thrown off by the warm, perky drawl, Remy shook her hand. "Uh, Remy."

"Ooh, that's a real nice name. I s'pose you're here for the same reason as everyone else." Opie giggled. "What kind of men do you think will be there?"

The topic wasn't something she'd normally entertain, but Opie's enthusiasm and big smile were infectious.

"I don't know. It's a debut ball, though, not a husband hunt."

Opie clicked her tongue and nudged Remy. "Aw, shoot, it's one in the same girl. I wanted to go when I turned fifteen but Pa wouldn't let me." She chuckled and shook her head. "Silly old man wanted to keep me to himself but I told him not to worry, I'm going with some friends who will keep me safe." Opie winked. "He don't know who I'd been foolin' with though."

It was like that for most of the trip, Opie talked a lot about her life and the shenanigans she'd gotten into. She loved men, couldn't get enough of them, but her Pa was always on her back about staying close to their farm.

"What do you farm?"

"A whole bunch of things. We have livestock, too. I'm the oldest, my brothers and sisters will help him when I leave with my studs."

"You plan on more than one?"

Opie blinked at her, like she'd grown two heads. "You don't?"

Remy shrugged. "I don't have plans for it."

"Aw, well, you know what they say about the best-laid plans." Opie winked. "If you find only one, that's totally fine. If you find more than one, don't be afraid to follow your heart."

"I'll keep that in mind."


When they arrived they were escorted to a prepaid hotel that hosted the debutantes. It was large and luxurious, something Remy never expected to experience. Many girls were acting like it was another day, but Opie was the same way, slack-jawed in awe at the splendor.

Every young woman was escorted to a separate spacious room, but Remy wasn't alone for long when she heard an excited knocking.


"I don't know about you, but I have an itch to explore," she said with wide eyes. "Come with me."

Remy smiled and set her things down. "Lead the way."

They walked the streets of Fenfold until they found a marketplace. There were so many smells, and so many people. It was much busier than Heartvault's market.

An enticing aroma caught Remy's nose, and her tail twitched in interest. Opie was busy with a cute vendor while Remy followed the scent. It only took her a little to find the stall.

"Salaqua pastries," she muttered, staring at the sweets laid out on the table. The vendor was busy with another customer, so she drank in the long-missed aroma.

"Sorry about the wait, may I help you?"

She looked up at the vendor in surprise. She sheepishly chuckled as she stood. "I'm sorry, I was caught up in memories. I've had these pastries only once when I was young."

The vendor, quite a handsome young man, gave her a charming smile. "They must have made a lasting impression on you."

"They did, I've never been able to get them ever since."

"Well, they'd be more common here since we're right by the ocean. Our pastries are harder to maintain more inland. Are you interested in anything particular?"

She hummed as she looked at all the tasty selections. "I don't have money on me, and they all look so good."

"Tell you what, give me your name and I'll select something really special for you."

She looked up and her cheeks felt warm as she realized he was looking at her, really looking. She cleared her throat. "I'm, uh, Remy."

"Remy," he said with a charming smile. "I'm Nen. Here, try this one. It's called 'seafoam rose', and it's the best in my opinion. I just made this one a few minutes ago."

She took it, a beautiful rose-shaped pastry with a delicate green-blue filling in the middle. The smell was something she couldn't describe, and when she bit into it, she felt the sensation of cool water on her face.

"This is really good," she said, hand over her mouth as she savored the bite. "Maybe I should start visiting Fenfold," she said with a chuckle.

"I would be more than happy to see you again, Remy."

She averted her gaze at the charm this man was putting on her. "I, uh, better get going before my friend starts looking for me. Thank you so much for the pastry."

"My pleasure." He tilted his head and she copied the movement, walking away.

She didn't find Opie and assumed that she had found a man to sleep with. She went to her hotel room and laid on the bed, thinking about the debutante ball. She had a definite feeling that Ehron would be there.

She wasn't sure anymore if she felt that it was a bad thing ... or a good thing.

Embrace it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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