Pure Confessions

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My body is my wife's temple. To meet my wife, I must be purified.

The ritual bathing house was quiet, as it usually was in the early morning. That was one reason why Ehron was such an early riser; he had the most peace in the early mornings.

Ehron stood before the natural hot spring housed within the ritual bathing house. Special herbs were maintained to calm the mind and the body, and although the smell was never his favorite, he was diligent in ritually cleansing his body before heading out and visiting the towns to remind them of the upcoming debutante ball, as if anyone needed reminding.

Scars littered his body, small imperfections that he sometimes worried about. Would Remy be disgusted by them? Or would she be indifferent? Perhaps she would love them, and his face heated at the thought of that, of her lips touching every scar on his body.

He shook his head. He mustn't get distracted, there would be plenty of time later to imagine it.

Ehron slipped his robe off and slid into the waiting water, inhaling sharply at the intense heat. The heavy smell was overwhelming but he reminded himself what it was for, who it was for.

Settling in, Ehron breathed in and out, letting the ball of tension in his chest release. A lot of it had to do with the princess, who refused to leave him alone.

There was a knock, and he hummed in response. A young woman entered, a lower-status prima who was a part of the purifying process. Ehron had no clue why it had to be a virgin woman to cleanse a man and vice-versa. He wasn't too fond of this part at all, but it was necessary.

Ehron stretched out his body in the bathing area as the young woman quietly started to pull the sponge over his body. When that was done, she put the sponge away and delicately grabbed the wings. With a special brush started to gently brush the wings. They were pitch-black, with not a speckle or design in sight. It wasn't something ideal but it was indeed unique.

The young woman was shaking inside, slightly terrified of the man in front of her. He was stoic and heartless, or as the near-legends of his escapades as a Chevalier led everyone to believe. Not many really knew where he came from, only that he was extremely young for a Blanc Chevalier. He had literally clawed his way to the top from an unknown.

"I don't bite, girl."

She gasped and paused what she was doing. "I-I'm sorry?"

He looked sideways at her. "I don't bite. I can feel you trembling as you tend to my wings, and you're starting to put pressure on them."

She lowered her head. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Blanc Erness. I-if you let the headmistress know she'll punish me accordingly."

"No need, as long as you're more mindful from now until the end of it."

She nodded. "Yes, sir."

He hummed and put his head back down. He wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible. It was extremely likely that Remy would attend this year, and he was determined to be her first suitor.


Like every year, the Sugarbells went all-out for the arrival of the procession of Chevaliers that would officially announce the debutante ball.

The Sugarbell house was busy preparing for the arrival, with sweets and teas at the ready to serve to whoever visited. Likely it would be Ehron, who made it no secret that he sought to court Remy.

Vivian was more than ecstatic. To have a Chevalier under the Sugarbell name was exquisite, and something she wanted to make sure that it happened.

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