Encounter in the Garden

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Nine years later, a full moon hung over Heartvault like a watchful eye. Most kiscues were fast asleep by now, eagerly awaiting the dawn. Remy, now nineteen, had always been a night owl, preferring the solitude and quiet of night.

The approaching visit from the Chevaliers weighed heavily on her mind. It was almost time for another debutante ball, and as she was nineteen, she would be required to attend.

Every year that one Chevalier would eye her up, give her that smile, and mention the ball. The Sugarbells, after all, were favored by other families because of their iridescent wings, although it was strange that a prima hinted at being interested in any sort of fera.

All fae had wings, and there were two kinds: prima and fera. Primas were the "true fae" whose bloodline hadn't been spoiled throughout the years. Feras, however, were fae that took the blessings of spirit animals, taking on characteristics of that animal. They were divided by their animals, and kiscues were blessed by the long-eared jerboa.

Randomly, perhaps by genetics or favor, certain families were blessed with iridescent wings, though every fera will have bat wings. The Sugarbells were one family.

Granted, the Sugarbells didn't rest on that laurel alone. They weren't the richest in Heartvault but the family had officiated its status through long and hard work dating back to the burrow's beginning. Especially when Armand became a part of it.

She didn't want to have a harem, something that was expected of her since her family was considered upper-class. "At least two," her family would tell her. She didn't even want *one*.Perhaps she could scare off suitors with her tiny wings.

She perked all of the sudden. That thought had never entered her mind before, it was a topic that was severely avoided. Entering womanhood, her wings never grew larger, and she was absolutely incapable of flight. While it was depressing, she realized that it might actually be a turn-off for any suitor, fera *or* prima. Ehron had never seen her wings, she'd always worn something to hide them.

A feridi, a fera born with iridescent wings, was supposed to be beautiful and perfect with no flaws that would detract in any way.

A stud would never approach a disabled fera no matter how cute she was or how beautiful her wings were.

With a small sigh she pushed the thoughts aside and grabbed the extendable staff at her hip, ends encircled with enchanted metal etched in forgotten runes. It was a gift from her father when she turned fifteen, encouraging her to take her own path. Because she sought her own path, her mother hated her, and after she refused to go to the debutante ball, Vivian ceased to be pleasant to Remy.

So she embraced Vivian's hate, and learned to use the extendable staff by herself to keep her father out of trouble, no matter how much he approached her.

Her train of thought was interrupted by a rustling in the bushes.

She jumped with a flutter of her useless wings, looking around for the source. Despite her best efforts she saw no one. Staff already extended, she struck the ground in a way that lit up the runes with red, red sparks flying.

"Who's there? Show yourself," she shouted.

For a moment it was silent. The fur on her arms stood up as she waited.

Finally a small, shy voice stuttered in answer. It was a soft voice, one that would soothe most, but Remy had learned long ago that what was on the surface can easily deceive.

"P-please, wait before you do anything rash. I just w-wanted to admire your garden since it was so beautiful. I'm terribly shy, so I don't really want to show myself, but I promise I mean you no harm or ill will."

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