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we had gotten into Sydney not long ago, we had got our things and we where ready to go, we got a taxi to our house. I looked out the window of the taxi when the car came to a stop, the house was massive it was amazing, big windows and a nice big garden in the front.

"is this our house mum?" I asked my mum in amazement :yes it is darling, do you like it?" "like it? I love it" I said to mum with a big smile on my face. mum payed the taxi driver and we got our bags out of the boot, then I realised, today is Sunday and that means tomorrow I have school, "Mum tomorrow im I staring at the new school?" "Yes you are, we will get your uniform and things later today, is that's ok?" "yeah that's fine" I told her with a smile

by now we where at the big wooden doors, waiting for mum to get the keys out of her bag. she unlocked the door and the first thing I saw was the big stairs, I walked in more and looked around the house, I went into the kitchen, it was massive there was so much space in here. next I went up the stairs and to the rooms, mum followed me and showed me to my room.

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