What did you hear

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We where all sitting on Amy's bed watching Mean Girls when Amy got up. As she was getting up her sleeve rose up a bit and I saw something horrible.

Why would Amy do that to herself, she beautiful, funny, smart and amazing

"I'm just getting some water" she says before walking out

"Yeah I'm gonna get one too" I say following her down to the kitchen

"Hey Amy" I say as I enter the kitchen

"Oh hey Michael"

"I saw"

"You saw what Michael?"

"Your arm, Amy why would you do that to yourself?" She looked shocked, lost for words she finally said something

"Because I don't know why Ashton did this to me, other then I'm worthless. And then I got thinking about Ashton and then thinking about him made me think of Chloe and then I started thinking for what Chloe used to say to me and how she would treat me" she explains through tears.

I didn't realize I was crying until I hugged Amy and she wiped them away, I wiped away he tears

"Everything is going to be ok, please promise me you won't ever do it again"

She stayed quite for a while till she spoke again

"I promise"

"Thank you" I say kissing her forehead. Being with Any in my arms felt so right

"Are you going to tell the other boys?"

"I don't know, I wasn't going to"

"I think you should"

"Why would you do that to yourself Amy?" Amy and I turned around to find Luke Cal and Ash, they all had tears in their eyes

"What did you hear?" Amy asked them tears still flowing freely down her cheeks while I still hold onto her

"We heard enough to know what you've been doing and why" Ashton says


What I'm a going to do?


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