stay with me

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(hours later)

they finally made it back, ghost is running to medical with johnny in his arms, and ghost still crying.

a nurse takes johnny and brings him to the ER ghost tries running after them but the nurse and doctors said he's not allowed back, he argues back and forth with a doctor until price grabs his arm.

price: what the hell ghost calm down, and let these poor doctors go do there job

price still with ghosts arm in his hand, drags ghost to the waiting room.

(hours later)

it's been hours since they toke johnny back, ghost notices that price is asleep, with his chin in his chest and arms crossed, ghost sneaks away as quiet as possible. and he talks to one of the nurses

ghost: is johnny ok?

nurse: what last name sir

ghost: Mactavish, Johnny Mactavish

nurse: oh, i'm sorry sir but we can't have anyone visit him yet, the doctor will see you shortly and tell you what's going on.

ghost groans in frustration. but accepts that the doctors are just doing there job.
ghost sits in the waiting room for another hour and a half, he's getting very impatient. with his mind going a million miles a minute, price wakes up.

price: i told you to be patient.

ghost with a surprised look, then shifts in his seat and groans.

ghost: how am i supposed to be patient when one our soldiers, was 2 feet away from a grenade?

price: ghost, we need to talk about you and soap.

ghosts eyes widen and he gets tense, with a terrified  look on his face.

ghost: what are you talking about? me and soap. what do you mean, we are just comrades.

price then looks at ghost with a "i know your secret" kinda look.

price: cmon ghost. i'm not an idiot you know, i hear y'all's conversation even when you think i can't hear you, remember what i said i can hear and see everything, for god sakes he calls you simon! no else even knows your real name except soap and me.

ghost with a concerned look, shifts in his seat again, and sweating like hell.

ghost: listen joh- i mean soap, me and him,

before ghost tells price everything, his leg starts to bounce not because of frustration but because he's scared as hell and as he's about to finish his sentence he swallows the lump in his throat and says

ghost: me and soap....we have very strong feelings for eachother-

before ghost can finish price interrupts.

price: damn it ghost, i know this, everyone in our damn field knows this! gaz told me that you and soap have been dating for years! what the hell ghost! you know i can get you kicked out because of this! what the hell were you thinking.

ghosts leg starts to bounce even worse and he starts to fidget.

ghost: i-i'm sorry. sir

ghost says that with a crack in his voice and tears start to fill up his eyes again

price: ghost calm the hell down i'm not kicking anyone out, how can one man make such a quiet, hard working, obedient, soldier turn into some crying emotional mess?!

ghost collects himself and starts to breath normally.

ghost: i'm sorry price

price then looks at ghost with a concerned look

price: listen ghost, this thing between you and soap needs to stop, or else y'all are both gonna end up dead, and i dont need two more soldiers dead on my watch.

ghost then puts his face in his palms and sighs. but before he can respond to price. a doctor walks up to them.

notes: sorry for the little clip hanger there

notes: sorry for the little clip hanger there

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