In the castle (☁️ part 2)

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Luigi's POV
I sit down in the corner of Bowsers bed with a huff. "I wasn't supposed to say anything about that. Way to go Luigi. measing things up again. Why can't I-" my thoughts were interrupted by a heavy sigh. I look up to see him. "Hey you okay?" He asked with a tone of worry and sincerity. " yeah I'll be fine. I'm sorry I said anything about last night I just panicked. And I didn't want to make you mad or anything-" "Hey it's okay." He interrupts me by holding my face and force to look at him. I couldn't believe that yesterday I was crying that he wouldn't kill me and now he is comforting me.
—flash back to yesterday morning—
I slowly crawl around the dining table. "Time: 2:30 am. I haven't been found yet but I also haven't found anything." I whisper into my phone. Before I could get anymore info out I heard loud stomping. "Shit" I try to crawl back but a big hand grabs me from my overalls. I feel a lump form in my throat as I'm suspended into the air. I shut my eyes tight hoping that might wake me up from this nightmare. "Why are you here Luigi?" I hear a deep voice boom. "Invading my privacy and snooping around my home? Have you lost your mind?!" "I- Mario told me-" i steamer "Mario put you up to this huh? I should have known that dirty plumber would make his brother do his dirty work." I open my eyes in shock. "R-right! Like if you want to s-sneak around your enemy's base, do it yourself!" I say with a huff. "Seems we share a common interest." Booms Bowser after puts me down. "I guess. B-but he's my brother so I can't just leave him." "But aren't you tired of being put in danger without any reward?" I cant help but look into his strong red eyes, and for a moment I feel different. Almost like I could tell him anything and I know he would listen. Like for the first time in my life I feel seen. Not ignored. Not second place. Like as if I matter. "Anyway it's getting late. Well rather early." He chuckles. "Would you like to sleep in my guest room? You must be tired from crawling around for hours." "S-sure. Thank you Sir Bowser" I say remembering that he's royalty. "No need for formality's. Just call me Bowser." He says with a grin.
He leads downs a long hallway full of doors. A few have sighs and a few have locks. We finally get to the end of the hallway and there is a tall red door with "Guest" written in think black letters. "Here's your room. There's a phone in there, if you need anything don't hesitate to call me." He says grabbing my shoulder "Alright. Thank you again Bowser." "Your welcome. Now good night" and with that he turns and walks away. I open the door to a big open room. A queen side bed on the far wall with small night stands on either side of it. One with a lamp and the other with a phone. "Just like a hotel." I think walking towards the bed. I flop onto it and it feels like I'm laying on clouds. Before I could even get another thought out I fell asleep. And I can't lie, that was the best sleep I've had in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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